Where Do Vegetarians Get Their Protein


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What Are The Best Sources Of Protein

Where FullyRaw Vegans Get Their Protein

The bottom line: The best sources of protein are whole plant foods, which provide ample protein without any cholesterol.

Ready to get started? Check out Forks Meal Planner, FOKs easy weekly meal-planning tool to keep you on a healthy plant-based path. To learn more about a whole-food, plant-based diet, visit our Plant-Based Primer.

Simple Vegetarian Protein Filled Meals

Vegetarians dont need expensive, complicated meals. You can cook up plenty without meat, fuss or expense. And the whole family will enjoy eating them with you!

Try popping some seeds or nuts on your cereal in the morning, or a few slices of peanut butter on toast. Early risers with plenty of time can enjoy scrambled or boiled eggs which are full of protein.

If youre heading out for lunch grab a baked potato with beans, a panini with cheese, or a spicy bean filled burrito. If you have time to make a lunchbox, fill it with hummus, peanut butter, egg or sliced Quorn in a sandwich.

Pre-prepared pea, bean and avocado salads are great. As are chickpea or butter bean soups with seeded bread.

Its dinnertime and youre automatically reaching for the chicken, stop! How about a vegetarian shepherds pie? Simply substitute mince with pulses and peas and pop in a few cubes of frozen spinach for extra iron. Make lots and freeze it for on-the-go dinners.

Other options are a vegetarian chili made with beans or tofu or a Quorn-based bolognese. You could try meat-substitutes with veggies or tofu in a blackbean sauce. Or how about a chickpea dhal and pea fritter with quinoa?

Quick dinners can be pulled together with no fuss. Scrambled eggs on toast with sunflower seeds. A cheese omelette. Black-eyed beans in a curry sauce. All full of protein!

Protein Content Of Seitan

Because seitan is made entirely out of gluten, the main protein in wheat and related grains, it is a good plant-based protein option.

The amount of protein per serving of seitan can vary depending on what ingredients were used to make it. For instance, seitan products that include soy or chickpea flours can offer additional protein.

A 3-ounce serving of seitan usually contains 1521 grams of protein. Thats roughly equivalent to animal proteins such as chicken and beef.

Like all plant foods, seitan contains some amount of all nine essential amino acids. However, basic seitan may contain only a small amount of lysine .

That just means its important to make sure youre getting other sources of lysine in your diet, such as beans, soy milk, tempeh, quinoa, and lentils .


Seitan is rich in protein and contains all nine essential amino acids. However, it doesnt contain much lysine, so be sure to incorporate other lysine-rich foods, such as legumes, into your diet.

Whether you purchase premade seitan or make your own at home, there are a number of ways you can use it.

Some delicious ways to use seitan include the following:

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Where Do Vegans Get Their Protein

Theres no shortage of lists of high-quality vegan protein sources. But as you might expect, theyre often topped by soy products , seitan, and legumes.

My personal favorite vegan foods for protein in rough, descending order of how often I eat them are:

  • Lentils , 18 grams of protein per cup
  • Chickpeas, 12 grams/cup
  • Tempeh , 41 grams per cup
  • Black beans, 15 grams per cup
  • Nuts and nut butters , varied
  • Tofu, 11 grams per 4 ounces
  • Quinoa, 9 grams per cup
  • Other legumes, varied

I often, but not always, add vegan protein powder to my smoothie each morning depending on my fitness goals at the time. My son, for example, is an athlete trying to gain weight on a vegan diet, so he always includes protein in his smoothie.

Smoothies, in general, are a great way to boost protein intake on a plant-based diet, since you can easily add lots of other high-protein ingredients like walnuts, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, and almond butter, and even beans .

See my basic smoothie recipe for details on how much of each to add.

Tofu Tempeh And Edamame

Vegan Fitness &  Nutrition Info on Instagram: Where do vegans get their ...

Tofu, tempeh, and edamame all originate from soybeans and are especially popular in East Asian cuisine.

Soybeans are considered a whole source of protein. This means that they provide your body all the essential amino acids it needs.

Edamame are immature soybeans with a sweet and slightly grassy taste. They need to be steamed or boiled before you eat them. Then, they can be enjoyed on their own or added to soups, salads, sushi, wraps, stir-fries, or rice rolls.

Tofu is made from bean curds pressed together in a process similar to cheesemaking. Meanwhile, tempeh is made by cooking and slightly fermenting mature soybeans, then pressing them into a block.

Tofu doesnt have much taste on its own, but it easily absorbs the flavor of the ingredients its prepared with. Comparatively, tempeh has a characteristic nutty flavor.

Both tofu and tempeh can be used in a variety of recipes, ranging from burgers to soups, stews, curries, and chilis.

All three soy-based proteins contain iron, calcium, and 1220 grams of protein per 3.5-ounce serving (

12 ).

They can be used in a variety of dishes, ranging from fresh salads to hearty soups and spice-infused dahls.

Lentils are also a great source of fiber, providing over half of your recommended daily fiber intake in a single cup .

In addition, lentils are rich in folate, manganese, and iron. They also contain a hearty dose of antioxidants and other health-promoting plant compounds .

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A Good Option For People With Soy Allergies

Many plant-based meat substitutes, such as tofu, tempeh, and premade veggie burgers and hot dogs, are made from soy.

But soy is one of the top eight food allergens, along with milk, wheat, fish, shellfish, eggs, tree nuts, and peanuts .

Therefore, it can be difficult for those who eat a plant-based diet but have a soy allergy or intolerance to find suitable meat alternatives.

Fortunately, seitan is an excellent soy-free option if you need to avoid the allergen. Just be sure to check the ingredient list on packaged seitan products to make sure no soy-containing ingredients have been added.


Seitan is made with wheat gluten, so its a good soy-free meat alternative for people with soy allergies or intolerances. Just double-check the ingredient list on premade seitan to be sure it doesnt contain soy products.

Complete Protein For Vegans

Edamame, tempeh, tofu, chia seeds, hemp seeds, and quinoa are all considered complete proteins.

A complete protein source is one that contains all nine essential amino acids. We need each of these nine amino acids for a healthy diet hence why they’re called “essential” amino acids.

Many animal products and byproducts, like steak and eggs, are complete proteins, which is one of the main differences between many vegan and non-vegan diets.

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Vegan Weightlifters: Getting Enough Protein From Plant

by Emily | Jan 13, 2023 | Veganism FAQ’s

When it comes to working out and lifting weights, protein is an important nutrient that helps promote muscle growth and repair. For people who follow a vegan diet, there are plenty of plant-based sources of protein that can help them meet their needs. Some good vegan sources of protein for weightlifters include beans, lentils, tofu, tempeh, seitan, and quinoa. These foods are all packed with nutrients that can help support muscle growth and repair. In addition, many of these foods are also good sources of other important nutrients like iron and fiber. If youre a vegan weightlifter, make sure to include plenty of these protein-rich foods in your diet to help you meet your nutrient needs and reach your fitness goals.

Check out these fantastic bodybuilding models. Vegan bodybuilders who are big and beefy without eating beef include Torre Washington, Patrik Baboumian, and Nimai Delgado. When it comes to animal cruelty, misconceptions persist as veganism gains popularity.

Is Plant Protein Better Than Animal Protein

Where Do Vegans Get Their Protein? “Becoming Vegan: Express Edition”, with Brenda Davis RD

Many of us men in particular have been conditioned to believe that we must eat animals in order to be strong and healthy. Decades of industry marketing and media influence have convinced us that its manly to eat meat, and that the opposite must be true for vegetarian or vegan diets.

But plants are better on so many levels. Even if we were to put the animal welfare and environmental benefits to one side, research shows that plants provide optimal fuel, increase blood flow, make muscles more efficient, and accelerate recovery after exercise by lowering inflammation.

If you havent watched The Game Changers , then Id highly recommend it as a starting point in your own research. Ive also provided further resources at the end of this post.

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Types Of Vegetarian Diets

Although vegetarian usually means plant-based there are a few different types of vegetarian diets. What version of vegetarian diet a person follows depends on many things including health, environmental, ethical, religious or economic reasons.

The main types of vegetarianism are:

  • Lacto-ovo-vegetarian people who do not eat any meat and seafood, but include dairy foods , eggs and plant foods
  • Lacto-vegetarian people who do not eat meat, seafood and eggs, but include dairy foods and plant foods
  • Ovo-vegetarian people who do not eat meat, seafood and dairy foods, but include eggs and plant foods
  • Vegan people who avoid all animal foods and only eat plant foods.

Two other diets that are not strictly vegetarian but still focus on reducing or limiting the amount of animal products eaten are:

  • Pescetarian people who do not eat any meat, but include seafood, dairy foods, eggs and plant foods
  • Flexitarian people who mainly have a plant-based diet but that sometimes includes small portions of meat and seafood sometimes also called semi-vegetarian.

People following pescetarian or flexitarian diets often do so to get the health benefits of eating a largely vegetarian diet without giving up meat entirely.

Vegetarian Sources Of Iron

Vegetarians are more likely to have lower iron stores than people who eat meat.

Good sources of iron for vegetarians include:

  • pulses, such as kidney beans, chickpeas and lentils
  • dried fruit, such as apricots
  • dark green vegetables, such as watercress, broccoli and spring greens
  • wholemeal bread and flour
  • fortified cereals

Read more about B vitamins.

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Path To Improved Health

A well-planned vegan diet can offer you the fulfillment of following your beliefs and may give you the enjoyment of living a longer, healthier life. The vegan diet may provide health benefits, including:

  • Lower cholesterol levels.
  • Lower intake of saturated fats.
  • More vital nutrition.
  • Healthier body weights.

The vegan lifestyle requires careful attention. It can be hard to get enough of the vitamins and minerals found in animal products. You have to eat a balance of foods to avoid health risks. Focus on including the nutrients below in your diet.

Vegans need to pay close attention to labels. This applies to food and supplements. Be aware of the following small print ingredients:

  • Carmine/cochineal is a common food coloring. It comes from crushed beetles.
  • Shellac is a glaze that comes from beetles. It is often found on shiny hard candies and sprinkles.
  • Casein is a milk product sometimes found in protein shakes.
  • Whey is a dairy product. It appears as an additive in a wide variety of foods.

How Much Protein Do Vegans Need

Where do vegans get their protein from? Well from a lot of sources ...

Not as much as people would have you believe. Somehow, everyone got the idea that we need exorbitant amounts of protein, way more than is even recommended. I know, its fun to blame government agencies and cry conspiracy, but if you actually look at the recommendations, theyre not that high at all.

For example, the U.S. recommended daily allowance of protein is .8 grams per kilogram of bodyweight for the general population.

Protein for vegan athletes is somewhat more complicated, as greater tissue-repair need require more protein and general, and athletes tend to pay more attention to amino acid balance.

Some successful endurance athletes get as little as 5% of their calories from protein and since a gram of protein contains about four calories, thats less than 35 grams of protein a day for a 2500-calorie-per-day diet!

At the other extreme are vegan bodybuilders and those new to the plant-based diet who are accustomed to higher amounts of protein and worried about what will happen when they stop eating meat. They aim for higher amounts of protein, often 25 to 30 percent of calories. Its hard to get this amount from whole plant-foods, so they often turn to vegan protein supplements to get the extra boost theyre looking for.

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Where Do Vegetarians Get Their Protein From

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If I had a dollar for every time someone asks me where do vegetarians get their protein from?well, I would probably spend it in avocado toast to be honest. The point is, this is still a real concern to people considering veganism.

Truth is, it is very easy for vegetarians and vegans to get all the protein they need from plants. Nearly all vegetables, beans, grains, nuts, and seeds contain some, and often much, protein. Vegans eating a varied diet of enough calories rarely have any difficulty getting enough protein.

From a young age, we are led to believe we need more protein than we can actually utilize in a healthy manner, so lets take a look at the role of protein and how much we actually need.

Who Should Adopt A Vegetarian Diet And Who Shouldnt

The vegetarian diet is for anyone who wants to be healthier, especially for their heart, says Glick.

But certain people shouldnt try a vegetarian diet. People with restrictive eating habits or unhealthy relationships with food should avoid the vegetarian diet. Glick explains that cutting out food groups can be harmful for individuals recovering from disordered eating habits.

While full-fledged vegetarianism isnt for everyone, the benefits of eating more plant-based foods, such as fruits and veggies, are accessible for all people. Consider what works for you and your lifestyle. Choose to make some small changes, and that will still be beneficial for your health, even if youre not fully vegetarian.

Glick encourages people to start small. Add an extra veggie at dinner. Try a meatless meal once a week or an entire meatless Monday. Or opt for the heart-healthy Mediterranean diet, which is plant-based but allows fish and chicken in addition to grains, fruits and veggies.

If youre interested in learning more about vegetarianism or exploring your unique nutritional needs, contact a Beacon dietitian today at Elkhart Outpatient Nutrition or Beacon Health & Fitness.

AboutKeeley Higley

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Nuts Seeds And Nut Butters

Nuts, seeds, and nut butters are some of the best sources of protein to have on hand. This is because theyre easy to snack on on their own, spread on toast, or slip into a smoothie or shake.

According to personal trainer and health and wellness expert for Maple Holistics, Caleb Backe, almonds are particularly good to keep around, with over 30 grams of protein in one cup. Flaxseed is also an excellent source of protein, notes Backe. Flaxseed is one of the oldest superfoods known to man, he told LIVEKINDLY. Besides their high omega-3 fatty acid content, flaxseed is also loaded with protein and antioxidants.

Hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, cashews, and pistachios are also good sources of protein.

What Does Seitan Taste Like

Where do vegans get their protein! – Tim Shieff

Seitan has a dense, slightly rubbery texture that many people say more closely resembles meat than tofu or tempeh.

It has a savory flavor that you can enhance by adding seasonings and sauces if you make it at home. Using nutritional yeast in your homemade dough, for instance, can give your seitan a nutty, cheesy flavor. Adding soy sauce can give it a saltier flavor.

If youre using premade seitan, you can boost its flavor by marinating it or briefly cooking it in vegetable broth before adding it to a dish.


Seitan is a dense, somewhat rubbery meat substitute with a savory flavor that works well in a wide array of dishes, such as stir-fry, sandwiches, pasta, soups, stews, and kebabs. You can alter its flavor with seasonings and marinades as desired.

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Can You Still Build Muscle On A Vegan Diet

vegans are a viable option for gaining muscle mass. If you are a vegan, it is best to consume protein or high-carbohydrate vegan foods that will give you the necessary nutrition. The foods listed below provide you with the necessary energy while also meeting your caloric needs. These foods not only aid in muscle gain, but they also help to maintain it.

The Vegan Way To Bulk Up

If you want to bulk up, vegans may be a good option for you. By filling up on high protein vegan foods like seitan, tofu, legumes, and quinoa, you can meet your protein requirements while gaining muscle. When you use vegan protein powder, you can meet your protein needs by getting concentrated sources of protein throughout the day, in addition to getting protein during your workouts.

How Do Vegans Get Protein

One of the most common questions I get asked as a vegan is where I get my protein from. I really don’t think most people understand where they get their own protein in food, regardless of whether they follow a plant-based diet or not. Protein is essential for growth, development, and healing, so deficiency could be a concern. However, there is a misconception that protein is only found in animal products which can be proven incorrect by the amount of plant-based protein sources.

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