Can Protein Make You Fatter


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How To Use Protein Powder To Gain Weight

Can TOO MUCH Protein Make You FAT?

If your goal is to gain weight, then you need to add a few extra calories to your diet. First, choose a high-calorie whey protein powder. Next, you can add whole milk instead of water and increase one cup to two cups of berries. To complete your 600-plus calorie shake, you can add a tablespoon of almond butter to the mix.

You have plenty of options to customize your whey protein shake. Berries may blend well with whey powder, but you can actually use other fruits, or even vegetables and other liquids like green tea, fruit juice, and milk.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge and does not substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed health professional. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency.

Losing Weight With Protein Shakes

Protein shakes alone dont have the power to make you lose significant amounts of weight all by themselves.

But with the proper strategy around protein consumption, you can create a huge advantage that translates to better fat loss results.

Here are the best ways to use protein shakes if your goal is weight loss:

  • As a post-workout shake to speed recovery after weight training or other forms of exercise
  • As the protein component of a meal replacement shake

That said, dont rely on whey protein as your only food source during fat loss. To stay healthy and avoid starvation mode, your body needs sufficient calories from other sources, not just protein shakes.

Does Protein Make You Gain Weight What You Need To Know

How to use protein to meet your weight goals.

No doubt about it, protein is a nutritional powerhouse.

Like the other macronutrients, carbohydrates and fat, protein plays a unique and vital role in both your overall health and your day-to-day functioning. Its essential for building and maintaining muscle and other tissues, like bones, skin, and other organs.

And, protein isnt just for bodybuilders. Even if youre not actively trying to build muscle, getting adequate protein ensures that the muscle you have stays healthy.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that the average person consume 10 to 35 percent of total calories from protein, and the minimum recommended amount is 0.8 grams per kilogram of bodyweight for a 185-pound man, thats just 67 grams per day.

However, as Men’s Health previous reported, consuming 20 to 30 percent of your calories from protein, which breaks down to about 1.2 to 1.6 grams per kilogram, is a better goal. Thats between 90 and 120 grams of protein if you weigh 185 pounds.

But what about protein and weight gain? Because protein contains calories , it stands to reason that eating more protein can increase your calorie intake overall. And, consuming more calories than you burn each day is what leads to weight gain. That said, will increased protein consumption lead to weight gain?

We have answers.

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Things You Need To Know About Eating Protein

Protein is an essential part of the human diet, and most Americans eat plenty of it.

Adults should eat a minimum of 0.8 grams of protein for every kilogram of body weight daily that’s about 58 grams for a 160-pound adult, according to recommendations from the Institute of Medicine.

“We’re a meat-, poultry-, fish-focused society,” said Julie Metos, a dietitian at the University of Utah. “When we think of a meal, it’s usually some form of meat, surrounded by starches or veggies on a plate.”

At any meal, consuming 2 to 3 ounces of cooked lean meat, poultry or fish, or half of a cup of cooked beans, is what’s suggested.

Portion sizes in the U.S. are often bigger than that, Metos said.

Three ounces of protein is a serving about the size of the palm of your hand, she said. “But a hamburger at a fast food place is usually 4 ounces. And if you get a double burger, it’s 8 ounces.”

While eating more protein than what’s recommended is not necessarily bad for you, if the excess protein in a diet is contributing to excess calories, it can contribute to weight gain.

Here are three more things you should know about protein.

A high-protein diet may help with weight loss but only for a little while.

Although there is some evidence to suggest that high-protein, low-carb diets help people lose weight more quickly than low-fat, high-carb diets, it remains unclear if high-protein diets can work for the long term.

Adding more protein to your diet doesn’t promote muscle growth.

What Is Pbfit Powder

Can Whey Protein Make You Fat?

PBfit is peanut butter powder. We make it by pressing gently roasted peanuts to remove most of the fat and calories. Then we grind the peanuts and mix in some coconut palm sugar, and a pinch of salt. The result is a delicious peanut butter powder that has 87% less fat and 1/3 the calories of traditional peanut butter.

Read Also: Low Carb Low Fat High Protein

Does Protein Make You Gain Weight

Protein can help you lose weight or gain weight.

However, whether it helps you do one or the other depends on whether increasing the protein in your diet causes you to consume more or fewer calories than your body needs.

This article discusses ways that protein can make you gain or lose weight, depending on your goal.

How Much Protein Is Optimal

The DRI for protein is only 46 and 56 grams for the average woman and man, respectively.

This amount may be enough to prevent deficiency, but it is far from optimal if you are trying to lose weight .

Most of the studies on protein and weight loss expressed protein intake as a percentage of calories.

According to these studies, aiming for protein at 30% of calories seems to be very effective for weight loss.

You can find the number of grams by multiplying your calorie intake by 0.075. For example, on a 2000 calorie diet you would eat 2000 * 0.075 = 150 grams of protein.

You can also aim for a certain number based on your weight. For example, aiming for 0.7-1 gram of protein per pound of lean mass is a common recommendation .

It is best to spread your protein intake throughout the day by eating protein with every meal.

Keep in mind that these numbers dont need to be exact, anything in the range of 25-35% of calories should be effective.

More details in this article: How Much Protein Should You Eat Per Day?

Bottom Line:

In order to lose weight, aiming for 25-35% of calories as protein may be optimal. 30% of calories amounts to 150 grams of protein on a 2000 calorie diet.

Also Check: How Much Protein Should I Be Eating To Build Muscle

How Do Different Protein Powders Stack Up

Protein shakes are made by mixing protein powder with water or another liquid, plus optional other ingredients.

Although most people dont need protein shakes to meet daily protein requirements, they can be convenient if you have limited access to high protein foods or experience trouble meeting your needs through food alone.

You can buy protein powder and mix it yourself or purchase pre-made liquid shakes.

Positive Sources Of Protein

Can You Get Fat on Too Much Protein?

As well as protein supplements, which are typically low in calories and fat with high-quality protein, there is a range of healthy options that are high in protein.

Fish, such as tuna and salmon, are excellent sources of protein. As a lean protein option, you will benefit from their omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins such as B-12 and D. A six-ounce portion of salmon contains some 34 grams of proteins and just 18 grams of fat.

Chicken and turkey are beloved by gym-goers for their range of benefits. They are high in protein, low in fat, and can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease compared to eating red meat .

Legumes, such as lentils, peas, and beans, are likewise high in protein while having little fat. Nuts, such as peanuts, walnuts, and cashews, are another healthy option that is high in protein.

Other positive sources of protein you can consider adding to your diet include lower-fat dairy products, eggs, and grain-based products.

Learn More:Grass-Fed Whey Recipes

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Can Protein Make You Gain Weight

The short answer is, yes, of course protein can help you gain weight. Protein plays an important role in muscle growth, says Vandana Sheth, a registered dietitian and nutritionist based in Los Angeles. It may help you with weight gain. However, it is not the only factor.

Protein isnt a magic bullet for muscle growth and weight gain. In fact, its not even the most essential piece of the puzzle. For those trying to gain weight, it’s important to get more overall calories in than the body is able to use, Sheth says.

Protein, like carbohydrates, contains four calories per gram, whereas fat contains nine calories per gram. Run a calorie surplus for long enough and you’ll gain weight.

That said, its probably not a good idea to rely solely on increased protein intake for weight gain. Research suggests that protein can actually make you feel more satisfied than you would be if you got the same number of calories from carbs or fat. So, if youre just increasing your protein consumption, youll probably get full more quickly, which can make it harder to eat more.

For muscle gain, Sheth recommends increasing your consumption of all three macronutrients.

Whey Satiates Your Appetite

Of all the macronutrients , protein is best at making you feel satiated, or full. If you’re cutting calories, choosing foods that are as satiating as possible will help make sticking to your diet less stressful.

Studies show that milk proteins such as whey may satiate your appetite better than some other protein sources. But, having a high enough protein intake in general is the most important thing. Eat plenty of dietary protein from food sources like meat, eggs, and fish, and supplement with whey protein to max out your protein intake.

Protein is even more filling when paired with fiber. Make a meal replacement shake with whey protein powder, fruit, and some leafy greens to fill up on minimal calories.

Read Also: Member’s Mark Protein Shake

Boosts Your Immune System

According to researchers from the University of Alberta, whey intake can also contribute to improved immune system health. In the study they conducted, male subjects engaged in physically demanding aerobic exercises experienced greatly reduced glutathione levels that tended to weaken their immune systems and nervous and gastrointestinal systems.

They found out that consuming whey protein as a supplement only reduced the subjects’ glutathione levels to a significantly lesser extent. Whey is, therefore, a great supplement to take for those doing extended cardio workout routines as it does not greatly reduce a person’s glutathione levels.

Protein Makes You Lose Weight Even Without Conscious Calorie Restriction

Can Protein Make You Fat?

Protein works on both sides of the calories in vs calories out equation. It reduces calories in and boosts calories out.

For this reason, it is not surprising to see that high-protein diets lead to weight loss, even without intentionally restricting calories, portions, fat or carbs (

In this study, the participants lost an average of 11 pounds over a period of 12 weeks. Keep in mind that they only added protein to their diet, they did not intentionally restrict anything.

Although the results arent always this dramatic, the majority of studies do show that high-protein diets lead to significant weight loss .

A higher protein intake is also associated with less belly fat, the harmful fat that builds up around the organs and causes disease .

All that being said, losing weight is not the most important factor. It is keeping it off in the long-term that really counts.

Many people can go on a diet and lose weight, but most end up gaining the weight back .

Interestingly, a higher protein intake can also help prevent weight regain. In one study, a modest increase in protein intake reduced weight regain after weight loss by 50% .

So not only can protein help you lose weight, it can also help you keep it off in the long-term .

Bottom Line:

Eating a high-protein diet can cause weight loss, even without calorie counting, portion control or carb restriction. A modest increase in protein intake can also help prevent weight regain.

Recommended Reading: Best Protein Bars For Weight Loss

Which Protein Is Best For Weight Loss

The Bottom Line The scientific evidence is strongest in support of natural protein from foods, as well as whey and casein protein supplements for weight loss. A protein intake between 0.51 gram per pound of body weight daily, or 2535% of total daily calories, seems most beneficial for weight loss.

You’re Not Drinking The Right Amount After A Workout

As we’ve been saying, more protein isn’t always better. And that even applies to active people whose caloric and protein needs are higher than their sedentary peers. So those post-workout protein shakes and bars? Take a look at their nutrition labels. Anything over 25 grams, and your body won’t be able to utilize it all. An International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism study showed that 10 grams of essential amino acidswhich equates to 25 grams of a complete proteinis enough to maximally stimulate protein synthesis. In other words: the average person probably doesn’t need to scarf down that 30-gram protein bar. That extra protein will be processed just like any excess calories, and your body could turn it into fat.

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Can Whey Protein Reduce Food Cravings

We will get to hunger itself in a moment, but first, let’s look at food cravings. Whether it’s a late-night snack or your favorite treat, chocolate, for example, our body and our brains often crave them. By eating more protein, we can significantly reduce our cravings for unhealthy foods.

One study carried out on overweight men found that increasing protein intake reduced food cravings by 60 percent . Furthermore, the same study found a similar result in the reduction of late-night cravings.

One of the benefits of choosing protein over a carbohydrate or fat macro is that the energy required to break down and store the protein is far greater than the energy exerted to digest the other macros. A great example of this is choosing to eat twenty grams of protein. Five grams of those twenty are exhausted, breaking down the remaining protein grams. Below are the typical taxes the body charges for breaking down your macros.

  • Protein – 25%
  • Carbohydrates – 7.5%
  • Fats – 1.5%

As you can see, the body barely burns any energy by eating fats thus, if the goal is to avoid unintentional weight gain, the best midnight snacks seem to be protein.

Can Too Much Protein Cause Weight Gain

Can Too Much Protein Make You Fat? Dr.Berg

We all need to consume protein each day it is essential for life. Alongside carbohydrates and fat, it is one of the three main ‘macronutrients’ in our daily diet. Anyone who studied science in school will know that protein is one of our cells’ building blocks, supporting the biochemical functions within our bodies.

Given its popularity for gym-goers and athletes, its importance in muscle development and tissue repair is well-known. As humans, we get our protein from a whole range of sources. Meat, dairy, beans, and nuts, and more are healthy sources of protein. Supplements like shakes are another common source of protein in our diets.

But, can too much protein make you fat? The short answer is yes, too much of anything can make you fat. The long answer is somewhat more complicated. Generally, the reasons for weight-gains when consuming protein should consider a person’s overall diet, including the number of carbohydrates and fats consumed.

This article examines the benefits of protein, how much protein we should be consuming, the risks of overconsumption, and the best protein sources for a healthy and balanced diet.

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How Many Calories Should You Get From Protein

Rather than trying to determine calories, its better to look at how many grams you should be consuming.

Adults need about 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.

If youre an avid exerciser, that number increases, peaking at 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, according to the International Society of Sports Nutrition.

What Are The Best Sources Of Protein To Eat For Weight Loss

Not all protein sources are created equalsome are better for weight loss than others.

Not-so-great protein options include full-fat dairy and processed meats. The high saturated fat content in both is not great for your heart, Wilson says. You can get just as much protein with far fewer calories and fat by opting for the low- or reduced-fat varieties of cheese, milk, and yogurt, she adds. But Wilson does not recommend fat-free dairy, as the flavor and texture can be off-putting for some.

And a diet high in processed meats has been linked to a higher incidence of colorectal and stomach cancers.

Also Check: Which Meat Has The Highest Protein

Can Protein Supplements Make You Gain Weight

Athletes and active people have higher protein needs. The easiest way to boost their daily protein intake is to take protein supplements. 1 scoop of most protein supplements contains about 120 calories. As athletes have much higher calorie needs, 120 extra calories from protein arent too much. Protein supplements wont make athletes fat.

But, protein supplements may make someone who doesnt need extra protein, gain weight. Supplements provide extra calories!

Moreover, there are protein supplements which are specifically designed for weight gain. These protein supplements are particularly rich in calories. They may contain even 1,300 calories per serving! In most cases, they contain extremely high amounts of sugars, as well. Theyre called Mass Gainers for a reason These specific protein supplements can absolutely make you fat. You should avoid them, if you dont want to gain several pounds of weight

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