How To Increase Blood Protein Levels


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Reasons For Protein Measurement In Practice

High / Low Protein in Your Blood: What Does It Mean?

Plasma proteins are heterogenous in nature and involved in many complex functions within the body. Abnormalities in plasma proteins may be primary or secondary . Abnormal proteinuria can also result from various medical conditions.

The reasons why a GP may request measurement of plasma protein include investigations of symptoms, allergies, and immunity .

Box 1: Plasma Protein Measurement in Practice9

A GP may request measurement of plasma protein when:

  • investigating a specific symptom, such as peripheral oedema
  • diagnosing an inflammatory process or autoimmune disorder
  • diagnosing bone marrow disorders, including multiple myeloma
  • assessing allergies
  • testing for immunodeficiency in patients with recurrent infections
  • assessing immunity to infections, such as hepatitis B or rubella, through specific antibody assays
  • investigating possible coeliac disease through the measurement of total immunoglobulin A and IgA tissue transglutaminase antibody.

Increasing Total Protein Levels

The most important thing is to work with your doctor to find out whats causing your low protein levels and to treat any underlying conditions. Your doctor may look at other tests such as albumin and globulin to figure out which one is decreasing your protein levels.

In addition, make sure you are eating a balanced, nutritious diet. That will prevent your protein levels from becoming too low .

What Do The Results Mean

Your results will show whether you have normal, low, or high total protein levels. They will also show if you have a normal, low, or high albumin to globulin ratio.

If your total protein levels were low, it may mean you have one of the following conditions:

If your total protein levels were high, it may mean you have one of the following conditions:

If your A/G ratio was low, it may be caused by:

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What Contributes To Good Protein Levels In Your Bloodstream

In order to maintain good levels of protein in your bloodstream, you should make sure you eat a healthy diet and continue to exercise frequently.

The main source of protein in your blood, albumin, is the key to keeping your protein level sufficient in your body.

If your albumin level lowers extremely, you may be at the point of malnutrition. This means you are at risk for disease or illness.

However, if you have high levels of albumin in your body, that contributes to a strong, healthy immune system. It means that your kidneys and liver are also functioning properly.

Albumin also has additional roles in disposing of the waste and toxins in your body through the kidneys and the liver.

Practicing good hygiene can also benefit your body and its protein chambers. When you are sick, your body ensures that immunoglobulins and antibodies reinforce throughout your body in order to get rid of your illness.

When this process begins, the levels of protein, especially albumin, begin to decrease. In order to prevent this from happening, practice good hygiene such as washing your hands frequently. Cleaning regularly and using hand sanitizer often will reduce the risks of contracting bacteria or viruses.

Medical Causes Of High Blood Protein

Foods That Increase Blood Flow In Body

Only your doctor can determine the cause of your high protein levels, which may require additional testing. Infections cause your body to release certain types of protein to fight off the invading bacteria or virus. Bone marrow disorders, such as multiple myeloma, also raise protein levels in the blood. Other causes of high blood protein includes HIV/AIDS and amyloidosis.

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Add Hummus To A Sandwich

Forget the fattening mayonnaise and cheese you can satisfy your need for something super creamy by spreading hummus on your sandwich instead. The chickpeas in your hummus are packed full of protein, and the flavorful herbs and garlic can be added to give your sandwich some zingwithout the grease and fat. To make your own hummus at home, check out our 11 Tips for Making the Perfect Homemade Hummus!

Try One Of Those New Meat Snacks

Yes, meat snacks are a thingand we’re not just talking about those rubbery beef jerky sticks from the gas station. Tons of new options are popping up and many of them are seriously impressive, thanks to their omega-3, vitamin B12, and iron levels that all come in a portable package. These are the 14 Best Protein-Packed Meat Snacks that we approve ofbecause, no, Slim Jims definitely don’t count.

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Things That Decrease Iron Absorption

Calcium from both supplements and food sources can make it harder for your body to absorb iron. However, its important that you dont completely eliminate calcium because its an essential nutrient. Just avoid calcium supplements and try not to eat calcium-rich foods right before or after taking an iron supplement.

Foods high in calcium include:

Phytic acid can also reduce your bodys absorption of iron, especially if you dont eat meat. However, it only affects iron absorption during a single meal, not throughout the day. If you dont eat meat, try to avoid eating foods high in phytic acid with iron-rich foods.

Foods high in phytic acid include:

Keep in mind that, like calcium, phytic acid is an essential nutrient that shouldnt be completely removed from your diet.

Some cases of low hemoglobin cant be fixed through diet and supplements alone. Contact your doctor if you have any of the following symptoms while trying to raise your hemoglobin level:

  • pale skin and gums
  • a fast or irregular heartbeat
  • frequent headaches

How A Doctor Can Help

How to Increase Low Albumin Levels

In some cases, changes in diet or lifestyle alone arent enough alone to increase your RBC count to healthy levels. A doctor may recommend one or more of the following:

Medication to treat an underlying condition: If your RBC deficiency is caused by an underlying condition, such as an autoimmune disease, medication may be necessary. Treating the underlying condition may help your RBC count return to normal.

Medication to stimulate RBC production: A hormone called erythropoietin is produced in the kidneys and liver and stimulates the bone marrow to produce RBCs. Erythropoietin can be used as a treatment for some forms of anemia. This treatment may be prescribed for anemia caused by kidney disease, chemotherapy, and other factors.

Blood transfusion: If medications arent working, a doctor may recommend a blood transfusion to boost your RBCs.

Blood or bone marrow transplant: This procedure can replace faulty stem cells that are causing problems with RBC production. The transplant introduces healthy cells to replace the faulty ones.

Surgery: If anemia is related to issues with bleeding, surgery may be needed.

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Replace Cereal With Eggs

Many breakfast foods are low in protein, including toast, bagels, and cereals.

Although oatmeal contains more protein than most cereals, it still only provides about 5 grams in a typical 1-cup serving .

On the other hand, 3 large eggs provide 19 grams of high quality protein, along with important nutrients like selenium and choline .

Whats more, several studies have shown that eating eggs for breakfast reduces appetite and keeps you full for several hours, so you end up eating fewer calories later in the day .

According to one older study, eating whole eggs can also modify the size and shape of your LDL cholesterol particles in a way that may even decrease your heart disease risk .


Replacing cereal with eggs boosts protein consumption, makes you feel more full, and helps you eat fewer calories.

Plasma Protein Tests: How To Interpret Abnormal Results

Dr Jez Thompson Describes the Range of Plasma Protein Tests Available in Primary Care and Explains what Abnormal Results Might Indicate

Read This Article to Learn More About:
  • constituents of plasma protein and their functions in the body
  • when plasma protein tests are required and what information they provide
  • techniques used for the identification of specific proteins and antibodies.

Find key points for implementation and implementation actions for STPs and ICSs at the end of this article

Plasma protein is the collective term for the proteins present in the blood. Plasma proteins fall into several different groups and have numerous functions, including maintaining osmotic pressure, and transporting lipids, hormones, vitamins, and minerals. Some plasma proteins are enzymes, while others have functions in blood clotting and the immune system. Excluding immunoglobulins, all major blood proteins are synthesised in the liver.

The total protein test gives an approximate measure of all plasma protein . With a typical reference range of 6080 g/l,1 plasma proteins constitute around 7% of plasma by weight2 and 0.5% of total body mass.

Serum albumin accounts for around 55% of plasma protein .3,4 It maintains the osmotic pressure of plasma and functions in the transport of calcium, lipids, and steroid hormones.

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Can Stress Cause Low Protein In Blood

People who are stressed Stress hormones can affect your protein intake, which in turn affects both physical and emotional stress. Because blood sugar balance and anxiety are linked, an increase in anxiety might spur those sugary food cravings and keep you from eating fibrous and protein-rich food sources.

How Much Do You Need


The best way to get all the essential amino acids you require is to include protein-rich foods in your meals. This applies to both people who eat animal sources of protein as well as plant-based eaters.

The average person probably needs half his or her body weight in grams of protein a day. So if you weigh 150 pounds, you need at least around 75 grams of protein a day if youre trying to burn fat and build muscle the right way. For many athletes, more than that is going to be essential as well.

  • According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the recommended daily minimum intake of protein for adults who are at an average weight and activity level is 56 grams per day for men and 46 grams per day for women. However, these are considered minimum amounts, so they might be too low if youre very active, pregnant or ill.
  • These amounts are equal to eating about 0.36 grams of protein for every pound that you weigh however some people find that they feel better when they increase their protein intake and aim to eat about 0.5 grams of protein for every pound.
  • This higher recommendation would translate to a woman who weighs 150 pounds eating about 75 grams of protein daily and a man who weighs 180 pounds eating about 90 grams.
  • If all the math seems confusing, remember that most experts recommend consuming about 20 percent to 30 percent of your overall calories from protein foods.

The Top Protein Foods:

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Have A Protein Shake For Breakfast

Many smoothies contain a lot of fruit, vegetables, or juice, but very little protein.

However, a shake or smoothie can be a great breakfast option, especially if you choose nutritious ingredients.

Protein powders make it easy to create a healthy, high protein shake. There are several types on the market, including whey, soy, egg, and pea protein.

Whey protein powder has been studied the most and seems to have an edge over the others when it comes to helping you feel full (

Heres a basic whey shake recipe:

Whey Protein Shake

  • 8 ounces of unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 scoop of whey powder
  • 1 cup of fresh berries
  • stevia or another healthy sweetener, if desired
  • 1/2 cup of crushed ice

Combine all ingredients in a blender and process until smooth.

To boost the protein content even further, use extra protein powder or add peanut butter, almond butter, flaxseeds, or chia seeds.


Having a protein shake for breakfast helps you start the day off right. Whey may be the best type to use.

Eating Too Many Inflammatory Foods

If your doctor is concerned with inflammation, your C-reactive protein, or CRP, level may have been tested. Inflammation may be caused by a simple fungal infection or a chronic condition such as rheumatoid arthritis. High CRP is also linked to heart disease. Eating a diet high in refined carbs like white bread and cookies, fried foods, sugary drinks, as well as processed meats, lard and trans fats may increase inflammation, and the protein marker in your blood. Limiting these foods, and instead filling your diet with anti-inflammatory foods, may help reduce CRP levels.

To keep inflammatory protein levels low, eat more omega-3 rich foods such as salmon and walnuts, olive oil, nuts, leafy greens and tomatoes. Swap out your meat proteins, such as red meat, with non-meat proteins, such as lentils and beans. Adding flavor with fresh herbs and spices also helps your body fight against inflammation.

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Total Protein Albumin Total Globulin And Albumin/globulin Ratio

Total serum protein concentration reflects all of the different proteins in plasma with the exception of those that are consumed in clot formation, such as fibrinogen and the clotting factors. Over 1000 individual proteins have been characterized in serum. Most are not biochemically pure proteins, but are proteins combined with other substances. Plasma protein is about 0.3â0.5 g/L greater than serum protein. Albumin accounts for about 50% of total serum protein concentration in most species, and for about 75% of plasma colloidal activity. Albumin synthesis occurs in the liver. There is a direct correlation between body size and albumin turnover .

Globulins constitute a number of heterogeneous proteins, including coagulation factors, transport proteins, and mediators of inflammation and immunoglobulins. Most globulins are synthesized by hepatocytes the major exceptions are the immunoglobulins that are produced by B lymphocytes and plasma cells. Electrophoretic separation identifies alpha, beta, and gamma fractions, although protein electrophoresis is not generally included in most non-clinical toxicology protocols. Albumin/globulin ratios reflect changes in the two major protein types. The hydration status of the animal should be considered when interpreting protein changes. Low serum protein, like anemia, can be masked by dehydration. Albumin and globulins are increased proportionately in simple dehydration.

Add Lentils To Your Soup

How Does Protein Affect Blood Sugar?

If you’re looking for a way to increase the protein in your broth-based soups, try adding lentils. A longtime staple for vegetarians looking for alternative sources of protein, lentils can completely fill you up with very little effort. A handful of lentils can be subbed in for noodles, rice, or anything else starchy. And speaking of adding stuff to soups, avoid these 20 Worst Ingredients to Put Into Your Soup!

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Signs Of A Protein Deficiency + How To Fix

By Dr. Josh Axe, DC, DNM, CN

Whether youre a weekend warrior, youre trying to lose weight or youre an athlete, protein is important for everybody, and you certainly dont want a protein deficiency.

Even though most people eating a standard Western diet consume enough protein overall, many people dont necessarily eat the highest quality sources of protein and as a result may be deficient in certain essential amino acids.

How do you know if you need more protein? The most common protein deficiency symptoms include weakness, increased hunger and fatigue.

In this article well look at the benefits of eating more high-protein foods in general, ways to add more quality protein to your diet, and how much you should consume based on factors like your weight, gender and activity level.

How To Get Your Protein Levels Up For Plasma Donation

Plasma is a clear, straw-coloured liquid component of blood that contains important proteins. The proteins found in plasma, including albumin and globulin, play an essential role in blood clotting and defending the body against infections. Donated plasma is often used to create life-saving therapies for patients with rare diseases whose bodies arent able to perform these vital functions on their own. As such, keeping your protein levels up as a plasma donor is very important.

If youd like to learn more about the ways you can get your protein levels up for plasma donation, keep reading to find out!

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Protein And Diabetes: How Does Protein Affect Blood Sugar

Protein, along with carbohydrates and fats, is one of the three main energy providing macronutrients.It helps the body to grow new tissue, build muscle and repair damage. In addition, it is a part of the composition of each cell in our body and makes up approximately a sixth of our body weight.

Protein has only a small effect on blood glucose levels. In fact, protein tends to help stabilize blood sugars by blunting the absorption of carbohydrates/sugars. As protein breaks down into glucose more slowly than carbohydrate the effect of protein on blood glucose levels tends to occur gradually over a few hours. So, although the initial effects of protein on blood sugars is not seen with blood sugar spikes, as can happen with simple carbs, blood sugars can be affected for several hours due to the slower breakdown in the body.

If eating protein does not increase blood sugar levels much when consumed, and it can help a person feel fuller for longer this mean that you can simply eat protein alone to control your diabetes? The short answer is not exactly. Its all about balance where protein is concerned.

There are two main types of protein, one is derived from animal products and the second is plant-based proteins.

A diet that contains too much animal protein may actually increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes . A diet with plenty of plant-based proteins, on the other hand, may modestly decrease this risk of developing type 2 diabetes .

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