Lose Weight High Protein Diet


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How Much Protein Should I Eat Daily


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The recommended daily intake of protein is about 45 grams per day, but most Americans eat more. The main benefit of eating a diet high in protein is that it keeps you feeling full, for longer. But, eating high-quality protein like almonds, eggs or salmon that contains omega-3 fatty acids, can have additional health benefits, including:

  • Reducing inflammation
  • Lowering the risk of chronic diseases
  • Improving cognitive function

Maria says its good to shoot for 70 or 80 grams of protein a day and to stay hydrated. Were talking 12 to 15 grams, six times each day, she explains. Youre increasing your metabolism, which is called the thermic effect of food .

Protein: Is It The Weight Loss Miracle Its Cracked Up To Be

First of, here are the MUST KNOWS of protein:

  • Protein is one of three macronutrients that makes up the food we eat.
  • Protein contains 4 calories per gram For example, a cooked chicken breast with 25g of protein would contain 100 calories from protein
  • Proteins main purpose is to build and repair body tissue . As such, protein is an essential part of your survival.
  • Like I said earlier, some people view protein as some Magical Fat Loss Unicorn that will help them lose weight and build muscle just by consuming it.

    Unfortunately, those claims are more marketing fluff than actual scientific evidence.

    But just because the benefits are overhyped doesnt mean that extra protein isnt beneficial for fat loss.

    Remove The Foods You Crave From The House

    Cravings dont just disappear. You have to work hard to get rid of them.

    Itll be easier for you to stick to a high protein diet if you remove all the foods you crave from the house. Most times binge eating is triggered by seeing food.

    According to this study, people are likely to weigh more if high-calorie foods are visible in the house, compared to people who keep healthy foods in the house.

    Replace all the unhealthy snacks with fruits and veggies.

    Read Also: High Carb Low Protein Diet

    What Is The Thermogenic Effect Of Protein

    It takes energy to digest your foodcommonly referred to as the thermic effect of food . And as it turns out, each macro requires a different amount of energy to digest.

    Protein is thought to be the most thermogenic of all the macros, causing a small spike in metabolism to digest protein foods compared to fat and carbs . And it is commonly believed that eating more protein overall may lead to tiny increases in your daily metabolism and overall energy expenditure.

    TEF only accounts for 10% of your total energy expenditure, but because dieting is associated with decreases in metabolism over timedue to prolonged caloric restriction and decreases in massthis minor effect on metabolism may be worth considering .

    Pros Of A High Protein Diet

    High Protein Diet  Best Way to Lose Weight?

    There are several benefits of a high protein diet.

    • You’ll feel fuller longer. Including protein in your meals and snacks can help you to feel full and satisfied, which may help with portion control.
    • You’ll build and maintain more muscle mass. A strong body performs better throughout daily activities, and muscles also burn more calories than fat, even at rest.
    • You may be more inclined to choose nutrient-dense foods. When you plan a meal around a lean source of protein, you have less space on your plate for less nutritious foods. And learning to eat different types of protein may also improve your diet. If you eat tuna, for example, you not only benefit from the fish’s protein but also the healthy fat it provides.
    • May help with weight loss and maintenance: Eating a diet that includes plenty of lean protein provides several benefits when you’re trying to lose weight. High-protein diets help build and preserve muscle mass, boost your metabolism, and increase satiety.
    • Boosts calorie burn: You also burn a few extra calories when you eat protein because your body has to work harder to chew and digest the food. This is known as the thermic effect of food. Keep in mind, however, that the number of extra calories burned is small so you shouldn’t create an entire weight loss program based solely on this benefit.

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    What Are The Best High Protein Foods

    The best choices for high protein diets are foods with a high protein percentage. The protein percentage of a food tells you how much protein per calorie a food has.10 Foods with a lot of protein and less fat and carbohydrate are ranked higher, as are low-fat, low-carb foods with a lot of fiber.

    Foods in the middle range of protein percentage can help you maintain your weight and your muscle mass. Going a little higher over 30 or 35% may help you lose weight.

    Foods with a lower protein percentage may lead to weight gain, while foods with the highest protein percentage may be good choices for someone who is really trying to reduce body fat and become lean and fit.

    Fortunately, most high protein foods are delicious and have plenty of vitamins and minerals, too. You can start with this list of the best high protein foods.

    • Meat and poultry: beef, chicken, lamb, turkey
    • Seafood: shrimp, crab, salmon, tuna
    • Eggs: whole eggs or egg whites
    • Dairy: cottage cheese, greek yogurt
    • Legumes: Beans, lentils, peas, and soy
    • Non-starchy vegetables11: spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, mushrooms

    If your diet consists mainly of the above foods, you are on your way to eating a healthy diet with plenty of protein.

    Here are a few tips to help you increase how much protein you eat and ensure you get adequate protein without adding too many unnecessary calories:

    Lose Weight & Improve Your Health With A High

    According to strong science, eating more protein can reduce your appetite and help you lose body fat and preserve muscle.1

    With our meal plan, youll experience all the benefits of a high-protein diet without having to spend time searching for recipes or figuring out what to eat, how much to eat, or how to cook it.

    Also Check: Recommended Daily Amount Of Protein

    What Is The High Protein Low Carb Diet

    The high protein, low carb diet swaps much of your daily carb intake for protein.

    Although theres no set macronutrient ratio, this eating pattern is based largely on the allotments of the two diets that inspired it.

    For example, low carb diets typically restrict carb intake to under 26% of total daily calories, or fewer than 130 grams of carbs for someone following a 2,000-calorie diet while very low carb diets slash that number to under 10% .

    On the other hand, high protein diets often pack significantly more than the Recommended Daily Allowance for protein, providing at least 0.6 grams of protein per pound of body weight .

    Some boast over 1.4 grams of protein per pound of body weight the equivalent of 204 grams of protein daily for a 150-pound person .

    High protein, low carb diets may be higher in fat to compensate for the carb deficit.

    For instance, a 2,000-calorie version may contain 26% carbs, 40% fat, and 34% protein equating to a daily protein intake of 170 grams for a 150-pound person.

    However, while some people, such as bodybuilders and athletes, pay close attention to macronutrient ranges when following this diet, many individuals simply cut carbs and replace them with high protein foods.

    Whats more, some people follow less strict versions that contain 3035% carbs although these are technically considered moderate in carbs .

    I Include Donuts And Cake Into My Diet

    high protein foods to lose weight

    Every day is different, but here’s what an average day of eating might look like when I want to eat in a calorie deficit:

    While I try and cook from scratch and keep ultra-processed foods to a minimum, I definitely do eat some out of convenience. I love low calorie ice creams and protein bars, but I also incorporate donuts, cake, pizza, and burgers into my diet.

    I follow the 80/20 rule, so I aim to eat nutrient-dense foods 80% of the time, and whatever I want for the remaining 20%.

    A post shared by Rachel Hosie

    If you tell yourself particular foods are off limits, but they’re foods you enjoy, you end up putting them on a pedestal.

    In my experience, this isn’t a sustainable way to live, because the more you restrict, the more likely you are to binge. That’s why I include all foods in my diet, even when in a fat loss phase.

    Also Check: Is Protein In Urine Normal

    What Are The Benefits Of A High

    When it comes to achieving real, measurable weight loss outcomes, nothing is more important than a calorie deficit, which happens when you take in fewer calories than your body burns off in a day.

    The total number of calories your body uses up in a day is known as your total daily energy expenditure and, in essence, it represents how much energy your body requires to maintain your current weight.

    You can easily calculate your TDEE using an online calculator. From there, you simply apply a calorie restriction to your TDEE — a moderate restriction of somewhere around 30% is a good starting point for most.

    While reducing your calorie intake will certainly help you to lose weight, its only half the battle. When your calories are restricted, your body ultimately must turn to itself to make up for the calories that have been removed from your diet.

    The good news is that when this happens, your body starts targeting stored fat to be burned up and converted into energy. However, the bad news is that your body isnt picky when it needs energy its just as happy converting lean muscle tissue into usable calories.

    The issue is that when most people say they want to lose weight, what they really mean is that they want to shed stored body fat, not lean muscle mass.

    Thats because your muscles are, themselves, made up of proteins that are constantly at risk of being broken down, especially when youre in a calorie deficit.

    Weight Loss On A High Protein Diet

  • Know what you need On average, Americans get roughly 16% of their daily calories from protein, which is higher than the 10% recommended by the experts. If you’re looking at one of the many popular high protein diets such as Atkins, you can still end up consuming as much as 15%, which is again higher than recommended by experts.
  • Feeling full Protein works as an appetite suppressant and makes you feel full. If you have other issues such as a sedentary lifestyle or emotional overeating, you may still need to employ other weight loss tactics.
  • Change up calories Adding more protein means adding more weight. To counterbalance that, try replacing sweet treats with healthier options.
  • Smarter choices Get rid of processed meats and choose lean proteins. This could include things like eggs, fish, beans, skinless poultry, and low-fat dairy items. Both vegetarians and meat lovers can find plenty of options.
  • More vegetables Ideally, you should have 7 servings of fruit and vegetables in your daily diet. Low in calories and high in nutrients, they also have protein.
  • Stay hydrated Adding more protein to your diet can lead to dehydration, so get in the habit of drinking lots of water.
  • Spread out your intake Spreading out your protein intake throughout the day makes your body use it more efficiently. Rather than waiting for your main meal, eat an omelet or snack on nuts.
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    The Thermic Effect Of Food: How It Boosts Your Metabolism

    The thermic effect of food refers to how much energy you burn from digesting food. Protein uses much more energy to break down, digest and expend for energy, compared to carbohydrates and fats.

    Lets say you have two people one who eats 80 grams of protein daily and one who eats 60 grams and they both have sedentary jobs, Maria explains. The person who eats 80 grams is going to lose more weight. In this case, the person who eats more protein is more likely to have lean body mass, which means they have a higher chance of fat loss, and theyre less likely to crave carbohydrates later in the day.

    If you do follow a high-protein diet, Maria says its important to stay hydrated. This is because the body has to use more water to flush out the nitrogen in protein, leading to more bathroom trips and dehydration.

    *All professionals quoted in this article were affiliated with TriHealth at the time of initial publication.

    What About Protein Powders

    How long to lose weight high protein diet  Education

    Although our bias is that you should get most of your protein from whole foods, protein powders can still be part of a healthy, high protein diet.

    You may not need protein powders if you prioritize the food on our list of best high protein foods. But if you fall short of your daily targets, protein powders are an easy and convenient way to get more protein.

    Plus, protein powders are a great way to create high protein versions of your favorite desserts, low-carb bread, or smoothies.

    If you are going to use protein powders, make sure they have few additives, such as sweeteners, maltodextrin, seed oils, or fillers.

    Animal and plant protein powders are both good options, and you can choose which works best for your taste, preferences, and carbohydrate goals.


  • Foods with the highest protein percentage are low in carbs and fat, like lean meat and seafood.
  • To increase the protein in your diet, look for easy substitutions snack on lupini beans or venison jerky, add two egg whites to your two whole eggs in the morning, or add more meat, seafood, dairy, or legumes to your meals.
  • Mix protein foods with high-fiber vegetables and dont overdo fat to create meals with a protein percentage above 35%.
  • If you struggle to meet your protein goals with whole foods, consider protein powders.
  • Read Also: How Much Protein Does Greek Yogurt Have

    How Much Protein Should I Eat To Lose Weight

    Protein needs vary from person to person. The amount you need depends on several factors, including your age, how much lean muscle you have, your overall health and your activity level.

    Only a certain amount of protein can be absorbed and used at once. Its a good idea to eat smaller amounts of protein throughout the day, rather than a lot at one meal.

    The recommended percentage of daily calories from proteins is typically 10% to 35% protein. Protein contains 4 calories per gram. This means, if you eat about 2,000 calories per day, youd want to aim for 50 to 175 grams of protein in your daily diet.

    Losing weight requires you to burn more calories than you consume. Experts say you should strive to burn 500 calories more than what you eat each day. As far as how much protein to eat, Pratt says its best to check with a registered dietitian or other healthcare provider first if you have a medical diagnosis, such as kidney disease, that could impact your protein needs.

    Protein needs vary greatly based on your age, gender, activity level and medical history, she says. In general, you should make sure 10% to 35% of your daily calories come from protein and you should burn 500 calories more than what you eat each day if you want to lose weight.

    How Much Protein Per Day To Lose Weight

    If you want to lose weight, aim for a daily protein intake between 1.6 and 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight . Athletes and heavy exercisers should consume 2.2-3.4 grams of protein per kilogram if aiming for weight loss.

    My practical recommendation to people is that if you carry a BMI of over 30 or a body fat percentage above 25-30% it makes more sense to base your protein recommendations off of your goal weight.

    For the correct amount of protein to gain muscle, check this resource out.

    Read Also: Dymatize Iso 100 Whey Protein Powder

    How Protein Helps With Weight Loss

    Several studies show that protein helps people with weight loss even without changing anything else in their diet . It supports lean muscle mass while reducing body fat, and it helps people feel fuller for longer so that they are less likely to snack. One study found that eating a high protein diet divided into six meals a day decreased body fat and abdominal body fat.

    Protein may also help with weight loss maintenance. Higher protein diets may be easier to maintain than other changes in macronutrients and therefore help people continue to eat well and maintain weight loss.

    But what is it about protein that makes it so effective for weight loss? Lets take a look at some of the reasons why.

    < p> < strong> < /strong> < p class=pro-tip> < strong> Learn about < /strong> < a href=/blog/sustainable-weight-loss> the benefits of sustainable weight loss< /a> < /p> < /p>

    Risks And Side Effects

    High protein vegan meals for fat loss

    Some people are concerned that kidney or liver function can suffer when their diets are too high in protein. However, there isnt much evidence that a well-rounded diet that has moderate to high levels of high-quality protein will cause problems in otherwise healthy people.

    Similarly, as mentioned earlier, protein seems to help with bone and heart health.

    That said, eating very high levels of protein is correlated with some health risks in certain instances.

    What happens when you eat too much protein? Eating more calories in general than your body can use, whether from sources of protein or another source, will not result in better health and will contribute to weight gain.

    Very high protein might also lead to digestive problems like constipation, changes in blood sugar levels, and possibly bacteria and yeast growth in the gut.

    Neglecting other nutrients and eating a large sum of protein can also put stress on your organs while they work to balance your bodys pH level plus proteins make your body remove more nitrogen waste products from your blood.

    Of course, eating a well-rounded diet thats varied in terms of foods is important for optimal health. Just like you wouldnt want to consume large amounts of sodium, youll find do not want to overcome any food, even high-protein foods.

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