Protein Powder For Teenage Athletes


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To Summarise The Benefits Of Whey Protein For Teenagers

Best Protein Powder For Teenage Athletes ( Cheap & Best )

Consuming whey protein isnt a scary thing. It is not bad for you when done correctly.

Whey protein can be very beneficial for teenage athletes looking to level up in their performance.

The best way to take whey protein as a teenager is to start with smaller amounts. Ensure your diet is fully enhanced and keep track of the number of calories and protein you have.

Start with products that have a high whey protein concentrate and no extra fillers or additives. .

Record how your body feels before and after using whey protein for the first couple of times. If you find you may be intolerant, you could try something else.

Finally, there is no danger in testing out whey protein.

Myth Busters: Why Athletes Dont Need Protein Powders

As your athlete gets older and more competitive in sport, you may be wondering if adding protein powder into their daily routine is a good idea. But before you go out and buy the biggest tub of protein that you can find in the grocery store, there are a few things you should know about supplementing with protein powders, especially for young athletes.

The problem with protein powders

Unfortunately, protein powders, like all supplements, are regulated post-market by the Food and Drug Administration . That means despite the list of ingredients on the back of the tub or bag, you cant guarantee that you know whats in them. In fact, over the years, many professional athletes have tested positive for banned substances like anabolic steroids that were eventually traced back to an off-the-shelf supplement that was tainted with the steroids. Even choosing a supplement that has been third-party tested and is certified safe for sport, cant fully guarantee that it doesnt contain a substance that might have negative health effects. So first and foremost, understand the risk that comes with taking any supplement.

It creates a supplement-first mentality

Young athletes need more than protein alone

Athletes dont need as much protein as you think

What do you do for convenient protein instead?

  • 1 serving of plain Greek yogurt
  • Chopped frozen banana
  • Tablespoon of peanut butter or almond butter
  • Handful of spinach

Protein Is An Important Part Of A Balanced Diet

Protein is a nutrient that helps build muscle and create new tissue. Its an important building block for developing strength and peak performance for young athletes.

Although youth athletes may need more protein than less-active youth, most get plenty through a healthy diet. Its a myth that athletes need a massive daily intake of protein to build large, strong muscles.

Young athletes benefit most from simple, healthy eating that provides the right balance of protein, carbohydrates and fat to support normal growth and maximize energy for their sport, Watt says. I typically recommend, out of their total calorie intake, about 20 percent of calories should come from protein.

An individuals exact needs will vary, but the Recommended Dietary Allowance is a good guideline for how much of a certain nutrient a healthy individual needs daily. The RDA for protein is 46 grams for teenage girls and 52 grams for teenage boys per day.

A 3-ounce piece of chicken has 24 grams of protein, one cup of Greek yogurt has 18 to 22 grams of protein, and one egg has 6 grams of protein. So, if your child has a two-egg omelet for breakfast, a cup of Greek yogurt with berries for a snack and chicken with dinner, they have consumed enough protein.

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Should Teenage Athletes Take Supplements

Supplements arent regulated by the FDA. It can be difficult to know exactly what you are buying when choosing supplements. Teenagers are at such an important period of growth and development, and taking unnecessary supplements with potential contaminants and unsafe ingredients could cause more harm than good.

Overall, I am hesitant to recommend supplements for most teenagers as the safety, efficacy, and benefits are often unknown in adolescent athletes. A well-balanced diet is almost always better than supplements for most healthy individuals, however, individual circumstances may require a supplement. Vegans, vegetarians, and individuals with health issues are among those who may benefit from a specific supplement. If you think you would benefit from a supplement, be sure to talk to your doctor or a registered dietitian before making changes to your diet.

Best Protein Powders And Protein Shakes For Teens

Gritzo SuperMilk 13+y (Teen Athletes), Kids Nutrition Drink and Protein ...

Again, whole foods are best and teenage athletes can get plenty of protein from foods. If there is a place for protein supplements in a teenagers diet they should look for one that doesnt have added sugars, artificial sweeteners, fillers, supplements, or fats.

My Recommendations for Whey Protein and Vegan Protein for Teenagers:

Naked Whey Grass Fed Unflavored Whey Protein Powder. I like that this brand is organic, has zero additives, and claims zero contamination from heavy metals and other unsafe ingredients. Pure and simple straight whey protein, but unflavored and probably doesnt taste very good plain. Mix it with your favorite smoothies, oatmeal, or a glass of milk.

CalNaturale Svelte Organic Protein Drink. This one is not whey. Svelte is dairy-free and plant-based made of soy-milk for anyone that is lactose intolerant or vegan. It has added vitamins and minerals and it is also gluten-free, organic, vegan, low in sugar, and doesnt use artificial flavorings. You can , they are having a sale right now on your first order. You can also get it at your grocery store.

Orgain Organic Whey Protein Powder this is one of the only ones that isnt sweetened with artificial sweetener. It has some fiber and no added sugar. Orgain claims it is healthy for adults and kids. They also havevegan plant-based protein powder here.

Organic Valley Milk Protein Shake This protein shake is organic, lactose-free, and contains 26 grams of milk protein. Get it

Read Also: Protein Shake Without Protein Powder

The Best Source Of Protein Is From Real Foodsnot Shakes Or Protein Bars

Whenever possible, protein should come from real food. I always say food first, Watt says.

High-quality protein can be found in lean meats such as chicken or beef fish eggs dairy such as milk, yogurt, soy milk, cheese and cottage cheese beans and legumes and nuts and nut butters. Spinach is also a good source of protein.

If your child is not getting enough protein from real foods, you can supplement with a protein shake. However, not all protein powders are created equal. Make sure whey or a plant-based protein source is the first ingredient listed on the nutrition label. Avoid unnecessary fillers and additives. Ideally, any shake has less than 2 grams of sugar per serving.

A whey protein powder that does not have a lot of additives or sugar is fine, Watt says. You can blend that into a smoothie, Watt says. Soy-based protein powder is also good for muscle rebuilding. Watch out for added sugars in the shakes, but if you are not having much added sugar throughout the day, its not a huge concern.

Be careful when it comes to protein bars, though.

Sometimes they can be glorified candy bars, so watch out and read food labels on those, Watt says. There are a lot of added sugars in them . If youre out running for an hour, you might need something like that to help bring the blood sugar back up and repair the muscles, but sometimes theres just so much extra sugar that it is not really beneficial.

They can also be high in calories.

Should Youth Athletes Use Protein Shakes

At YSN we always promote a food first approach to good nutrition and were always working on ways to increase athletes knowledge about how to fuel and refuel their bodies. In an ideal world, athletes would get everything they need from a healthy diet without the need for supplements. However, we also know how challenging it can be to juggle full-time sports with full-time education and social and family commitments. And we know how hard it is for parents to find enough time in the day to cook a healthy and nutritious meal on top of this.

When athletes dont have access to a good performance meal after a training session, then shakes can certainly offer a great alternative. But protein shakes should only be used to meet the bodys nutritional needs. Theyre not going to make athletes magically bigger, better, faster, or stronger and theyre certainly not a substitute for hard work and a good diet.

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Dymatize Iso100 Hydrolyzed Protein Powder

Dymatize ISO100 Hydrolyzed protein powder is delicious and easy to digest for everyone. The high-quality ingredients and smooth taste make this one compatible with any diet plan. If you dont want to compromise on muscle building, get your hands on this and stay healthy. It can help you crush fitness and flavor goals from a single jar.

Zero Fat

Of course, when someone is trying to build muscle with a healthy body, they prepare a diet plan to avoid fat as much as possible. Some protein powders have ingredients that contain fat, and it makes a diet plan hard to follow due to additional calorie ingestion. The best thing about Dymatize ISO100 Hydrolyzed protein powder is zero fat as it is serving less than 1gramn of sugar per serving.


Its not suitable for teenagers to go for a protein powder heavy in ingredients. This type of product can cause indigestion and other issues. This best protein powder for teens is easy to digest due to hydrolyzed whey protein isolation. The only aim this product has is to help you gain muscle safely without disturbing anything in your body.

Yummy Flavors


Where to Buy Dymatize ISO100 Hydrolyzed Protein Powder

Amazon USA

What About Protein Bars

Protein supplements for teens: Are they safe?

Like powders, theyre a convenient way to get protein, especially if your kid is busy and eating on-the-go.

But as with protein powder, these bars are expensive, highly-processed, and tend to contain a lot of ingredients. Theyre fine in a pinch, but less processed whole foods are smarter choices most of the time.

Also Check: Cookies And Cream Protein Bars

Protein Powders Are Not Fda Regulated

Before recommending protein supplements for teenage athletes, Dr. Jacqueline Winkelmann, a pediatrician at Childrens Hospital of Orange County, warns parents that contamination is a risk.

The FDA does not regulate protein powders, and studies have found many contaminants, including heavy metalslead, arsenic, and other chemicals in them.

What Can I Do To Get The Best Training Without Sports Supplements

To get the most out of athletic training without using sports supplements:

  • Eat a healthy diet. A dietitian or nutritionist can help plan a diet that is best for your age, weight, and activities.
  • Train smart. A coach or fitness instructor can help you with a training plan that includes both strength training and fitness training.
  • Get plenty of sleep.
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking.

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Best Protein Powder For Athletes

There are a few things to keep in mind when selecting a protein powder for athletes. First, the powder should be easily digestible and low in fat. Second, it should contain a high percentage of protein. Third, it should be low in calories. With these criteria in mind, whey protein powder is often considered the best option for athletes. Whey protein is a milk protein that is quickly absorbed by the body and is low in fat. It is also high in protein, providing the body with the necessary building blocks for muscle growth.

Whey protein will improve your strength, recovery time, and overall performance, in addition to improving your strength and recovery time. You will be able to build muscle, strength, and explosiveness if you incorporate it into your lifting schedule on a regular basis. Despite the fact that it is slightly more expensive than other powders on the market, Naked Whey 100% Grass Fed Protein Powder is the best protein powder available. Whey protein isolate 90% is an ideal supplement for building muscle. A single serving of this powder contains 90% protein, 10% of other nutrients, and 10% of amino acids. Anyone looking to gain muscle should use this powder. This protein should be highly valued by athletes in the football world.

Are Protein Powders Safe For Teen Athletes

Best Protein Powder For Teens Reviewed &  Buying Guide

Protein supplements are generally considered safe when taken correctly and appropriately, even for teen athletes. The grey part of this statement is that protein supplements are not regulated by the FDA and can therefore be contaminated with things we do not want in our bodies, such as heavy metals, BPA, and other unsafe contaminant. Not only that, but many protein powders have as much as 23 grams of added sugar per scoop, and the American Heart Association recommends limiting daily added sugar amounts to 25 to 36 grams.

To make sure that you, your child, or your athlete are consuming a safe product, choose protein supplements that have undergone third party testing and make sure to read the label and ingredients list. If a supplement company makes it difficult to find the Supplement Facts panel on their website, uses proprietary blends to hide the doses for their main ingredients, or cites research that has nothing to do with their supplement, these can all be red flags for the safety of their supplement.

Another way you can make sure of the correct dosage and safety of the supplement is by reaching out to a Registered Sports Dietitian.

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Can Teenagers Take Protein Powder

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Protein powders are normally consumed by adult athletes, however there is question and concern as to whether protein supplements are safe and necessary for teenagers.

So, can teenagers take protein powder? While certain protein powders can be safe for teenagers, in most cases adding a protein powder is unnecessary. Teens should be encouraged to get their protein from whole foods. However, if protein powder is included in a teens diet, ensure that it has been third-party tested.

It is important to consider the fact that while protein powders are a commonly consumed supplement, they can potentially do more harm than good. Overconsumption of protein can become easy when including a protein supplement, which can have negative effects on a teenagers health.

In this article, we will discuss:

  • Are teenagers allowed to take protein powders?
  • Are protein powders safe for teens?
  • Reasons why teens should or shouldnt take protein powder
  • Does the type of protein powder matter for teens?
  • What to watch out for when buying protein powder for teens
  • The best protein powder for teens

Jacked Factory Authentic Whey

If youre looking for the best protein powder for teenage athletes, Jacked Factory Authentic Whey is a great choice. It is high in whey protein, free of added sugars, and can be added to many recipes.

  • Formulated with athletes in mind
  • Available in multiple flavors
  • Contains artificial flavors and artificial sugar
  • Contains the controversial ingredient, Sucralose

Authentic Whey is a whey concentrate and isolated blend from Jacked Factory. Jacked Factory began in 2015 to support the performance of bodybuilders, athletes, and elite powerlifters who wanted to feel better.

Jacked Factorys Authentic Whey contains both whey isolate and whey protein concentrate. Each serving of Authentic Whey provides 120 calories and 24 g of protein per serving.

Though Authentic Whey is free of added sugars, it contains sucralose and stevia extract. Sucralose may adversely modify the gut microbiome and affect blood sugars. Although stevia is considered natural, many people do not like its flavor.

This whey protein powder is available in multiple flavors, including vanilla, chocolate, orange ice cream, and salted chocolate caramel.

For best results, take one scoop of whey powder after a workout. Authentic Whey is versatile and can be mixed with water, dairy alternatives, milk, or added to foods like oatmeal and yogurt.

Each container of Authentic Whey contains 30 servings of protein. Jacked Factory recommends taking a scoop of powder 1-4 times daily, depending on your individual workout needs.

Recommended Reading: What Is The Most Protein Dense Food

If Your Teen Is Very Underweight

While the inclusion of a protein powder should not be the first thing you do if your teen is underweight, it might be something to talk with your doctor or dietician about.

If you determine that your teen may be underweight due to an underconsumption of calories and protein, it may be in their best interest to include a protein powder in order to avoid any issues in growth and development.

Read more about the calories in protein shakes where we breakdown 9 examples.

Do Teens Need A Protein Powder Supplement

Meet the Experts: Nutrition Tips for Young Athletes – Food, Supplements, Hydration

With all the hype around protein supplements these days, youre probably wondering: Is protein powder really necessary for teens?

In short, no. Eating real food should always be the first option, rather than taking supplements.

However, protein powders can be extremely beneficial in certain circumstances.

For example, they can be very convenient for teens that have hectic school and sports schedules with minimal time to cook nutritious meals. Vegan and vegetarian teen athletes especially can benefit from protein shakes to meet their daily protein intake needs.

That being said, protein powders arent very pocket-friendly, so its best to view them as a luxury and not a necessity for teens.

Here are some excellent protein sources that you should include in your diet, whether you choose to take protein powder or not:

Read Also: High Protein Foods Weight Gain

Always Pair The Best Protein Powder For Young Athletes With A Healthy Diet

Remember that giving your teen the best vitamins for teen athletes, healthy snacks for teen athletes, and best protein powder for young athletes is still only part of the equation.

No supplements should be a replacement for a healthy, balanced diet.

Your teen should be eating plenty of healthy fats, complex carbs, fresh fruits, and fresh vegetables at regular intervals throughout the day. In fact, the different vitamins and nutrients in these foods can aid the absorption of their other supplements.

For example, collagen is catalyzed by vitamin C. That means that plenty of vitamin C will help make sure any collagen consumed will be as effective as possible.

If you need extra help planning out the nutritional needs of a young athlete, you can ask their coach, doctor, or a licensed nutritionist to help put a plan together based on the sport they play, their activity level, and their current body composition.

Frog Fuel liquid collagen protein, a well-rounded meal plan, and a strategic workout plan designed by a skilled coach might just be the preparation trifecta your athlete needs to start their next winning streak.

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