High Protein Diet Meal Plan


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High Protein Weight Loss Meal Plans

My 4-Day High Protein Vegan Meal Plan

The following meal plans are designed for people who would like to lose weight and prefer a high protein, low carbohydrate approach. Although this is a low carbohydrate, high protein plan, some small servings of wholegrain carbohydrate foods have been included, as carbohydrates are needed by the body for optimum health and energy production. The plans are designed to provide you with balanced nutrition, including some carbohydrates, high levels of lean protein, and healthy fats. They also include plenty of fruits and vegetables, plus essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, essential fats, and fiber.

Each day provides around 1500 calories, which is the amount required by an average woman looking to lose 1-2 lbs per week, which is a healthy rate of weight loss. A steady rate of weight loss such as this is more likely to be maintained long-term than the faster weight loss promised by crash diets.

For men who would like to follow the plan, the total daily calorie intake should be increased by approximately 500 calories. This can be achieved by adding extra snacks and/or doubling some of the portion sizes, as shown in the example below:Day 1:Breakfast

  • 1 extra slice of buttered rye toast 102


  • Double the size of Snack 2 = 157

TOTAL = 472 calories

You can also add snacks from other days of the plan if that works better for you.

What To Eat On A High

People looking to lose weight often decide to adopt a high-protein diet. Eating protein helps a person feel full, which can lead to them eating fewer calories overall. High-protein diets typically include large quantities of protein and only a small amount of carbohydrate.

Most people can follow a high-protein diet by eating meat, fish, dairy products, beans and legumes, eggs, and vegetables that are relatively rich in protein, such as asparagus and spinach.

People on this diet will often choose to reduce their carbohydrate intake, which may involve limiting their consumption of highly processed foods, bread and other baked goods, candy, and white pasta and rice.

There are some well-known high-protein diet plans, such as the Atkins diet. However, a person can increase their protein intake on their own with or without adjusting their intake of other food groups.

In this article, we explain how to eat a high-protein diet, foods to include and exclude, and the potential adverse effects of adopting this diet.

What Is The High

At Verywell, we believe there is no one-size-fits-all approach to a healthy lifestyle. Successful eating plans need to be individualized and take the whole person into consideration. Prior to starting a new diet plan, consult with your healthcare provider or a registered dietitian, especially if you have an underlying health condition.

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Why People Follow A High

There are some occasions when extra protein is needed, including childhood/adolescence , pregnancy, lactation, intense strength and endurance training and certain illnesses. The elderly may also require extra protein.

Furthermore, many experts believe that a diet high in carbohydrates refined ones in particular is the main cause of weight gain and the modern obesity epidemic. As a consequence, high-protein diets have become increasingly popular, with the Atkins diet and Dukan diet among the most well-known. These diets typically allow you to eat unlimited amounts of all meat, poultry, fish, eggs and most cheeses, while carbohydrates are limited. A typical high-protein diet might consist of a breakfast of ham and eggs, lunch of cheese, meat, fish or an omelette and dinner consisting of meat or fish and vegetables.

Similarly, the Paleo diet has received considerable attention for its high protein principles. The idea behind the diet is that by sticking to a diet that mimics our hunter/gatherer ancestors, one that avoids carbohydrates, grains and other modern foods, you are eating just what you need to stay lean and avoid inflammatory conditions.

Baked Salmon And Egg Salad

Printable High Protein Diet Plan

480 calories

  • 1 Egg, large – 72 calories

  • 4 oz Salmon fillet – 200 calories

  • ½ Avocado, small – 116.5 calories

  • 1 Cucumber, small – 32 calories

  • ½ cup Celery stalks, chopped in half – 8 calories

  • ½ cup Tomatoes, grape – 16 calories

  • 2 Tbsp Vinaigrette, light – 35 calories

  • 1 Everything bagel seasoning, dash – 0 calories


  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Line baking sheet with parchment paper & spray with oil spray.

  • Bake salmon for 15-20 minutes, or until flakes easily.

  • Hard boil egg while salmon is cooking.

  • Chop celery, cucumber, avocado, and tomatoes.

  • Combine all ingredients.

  • Note: I like Trader Joes fat free vinaigrette but Paul Newman, Whole Foods, etc. all have good light dressings.

  • Don’t Miss: Foods High In Protein Vegetarian

    Asian Inspired Green Veggie Stir Fry

    434 calories

    • ½ cup Broccoli – 15.5 calories

    • ½ cup Green beans – 19.5 calories

    • ½ Zucchini, medium – 16.5 calories

    • 6 oz Chicken breast, boneless, skinless, raw – 190 calories

    • 2 Tbsp Soy sauce – 0 calories

    • ¼ cup Peanuts – 192 calories

    • 1 tsp Red pepper flakes, dash – 0 calories


  • Cube chicken. Chop veggies into small pieces. Put peanuts in a plastic bag, and crush with a hard object, e.g. an ice cream scoop.

  • Spray a pan with an oil spray.

  • Cook chicken for ~5 minutes, stirring frequently, on medium heat.

  • Add in the green beans, broccoli, and zucchini for another ~5 minutes.

  • Add in soy sauce and red pepper flakes.

  • Top with peanuts at the very end .

  • No chicken? Use fish, tofu, or beans.

  • High Protein Diet A Nutritionists Verdict

    Its worth a try in the short-term if you want to lose weight, nutritionist Dr Pam Mason says.

    But if you have kidney disease or any chronic health condition, talk to your GP first, she adds. If you want to follow a high protein diet, choose your protein wisely. Good choices include lean beef, pork and low-fat dairy products. Id also recommend skinless poultry, fish, beans and other plant proteins and nuts.

    A high protein diet is also a good choice if youre lacking in other essential vitamins and minerals. Intake of oily fish in the UK is typically lower than recommended intakes and high protein diets may focus on white fish as a protein source. Id therefore recommend taking an omega-3 supplement to boost intake, Dr Mason says.

    Video of the week:

    Make sure your diet is healthy and balanced by choosing healthy fats and carbohydrate containing high fibre foods. They should also be nutrient-dense, including whole grains and vegetables and fruit.

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    What Is Protein And Why Is It Important

    Protein is one of the three macronutrients, along with carbs and fat.

    In your body, it performs the following roles:

    • Repair and maintenance: Protein is the main component of your muscles, bones, skin and hair. These tissues are continuously repaired and replaced with new protein.
    • Hormones: Chemical messenger proteins allow cells and organs in your body to communicate with each other.
    • Enzymes: Most enzymes are proteins, and the thousands of chemical reactions that take place throughout your body are driven by them.
    • Transportation and storage: Some proteins help deliver important molecules where theyre needed. For example, the protein hemoglobin carries oxygen to your bodys cells.

    Protein is made up of smaller units known as amino acids.

    Of the 22 amino acids, 9 are considered essential, meaning they must be consumed in food because your body cant make them.

    Importantly, some foods provide better protein than others based on their amino acid profile.

    Generally speaking, animal products are considered complete protein because they contain all the essential amino acids in the optimal amounts that your body needs. These include eggs, dairy, meat, fish and poultry.

    Vegetable proteins dont provide adequate amounts of every essential amino acid but can be combined with other plant sources to make complete protein. Beans, legumes, grains, soy, nuts and seeds are examples of high-protein plant foods.

    How Much Protein Should I Eat On An 1800

    Beginner High Protein Vegan Meal Plan for FAT LOSS

    Based on the current recommendations set forth by the USDA you should aim to eat around 15-35% of your calories coming from protein. That can range anywhere from 68 g 156 g of protein per day.

    If you are strength training you are going to want to base your protein intake goals on your weight according to the American College Of Sports Medicine. By multiplying your weight in kilograms by 1.2 -2.2. See the chart breakdown below.

    Weight lbs Weight kg Protein moderate Protein high

    Weight lbs
    200 g

    Eating 150 grams of protein can seem like a lot, some of the easiest ways to get 150 grams of protein per day are: Include 1 serving of lean protein with every entree. This means eating, eggs, chicken, fish, and protein powder, with each meal that you eat. Eat multiple snacks throughout the day that are high in protein. Protein shakes are an easy way to get in a lot of protein without all the cooking. Snack on high-protein foods such as yogurt, nuts, seeds, and cheese. Add Protein powder to smoothies or baking recipes for an extra boost.

    Based on the recommendation set by the USDA 40-65% of your calories should be coming from fiber and nutrient-rich carbohydrates. Eating 1800 calories a day and getting 40-65% of those calories from carbs would be 180 g 292 g of carbohydrate per day.

    1800 calories can be broken up into three meals and two snacks. Each snack could average 200 calories and each meal is 467 calories.

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    High Protein Diet For Weight Loss

    This high-protein diet will fill you up quickly, so youll consume fewer calories throughout the day perfect for meat lovers, fast weight loss and it will boost your energy too

    A high protein diet is one of the expert-approved ways to lose weight and change your eating habits for the better.

    Often cited as one of the only diets that work to change eating behaviour in the long-term, the high protein diet is a popular plan for those who want to lose weight without diet or exercise transformations. It doesnt traditionally involve any cutting calories or any restricted meals, just making different choices about the food you eat alongside the treats you love. But no one should feel pressured to lose weight and the high protein diet has so many other benefits aside from weight loss.

    So whats the high protein diet all about? Heres what you need to know to get started, from the foods you should eat to what nutritionists have to say about it.

    Healthy Shrimp Meal Prep

    One thing I love about shrimp is that they are so delicious. Also, super easy and quick to prepare.

    But did you know that they are also extremely nutritious? One ounce of cooked shrimp provides 36% of your daily protein needs, making them a perfect post-workout meal.

    To make this recipe, we cook the shrimp in a skillet. I recommend this high-quality cast iron skillet because it contains no synthetic coating or chemicals. Who wants to ruin their healthy meals with toxic chemicals?

    We finish off cooking the shrimp by placing it in a sauce that is the perfect blend of sweet and spicy. The sauce calls for raw honey, so if you dont already have some, heres a good quality raw honey.

    This recipe calls for rice, but if youre looking for a lower calorie option, feel free to swap it with cauliflower rice.

    Its a great low carb substitute for regular rice. Check out this honey garlic chicken meal prep for more sweet flavors.

    Per Serving:

    Read Also: Daily Protein Intake For Women

    Get Inspired By Delicious Meal Plans For A High Protein Diet Online

    Where do you go from here? Well, it all depends on the number of meals you plan to have. Just so you know, research shows evenly splitting your protein intake over 3 to 5 meals results in optimal muscle growthso those who need to fit a large amount of protein within a day may find 5 meals necessary.

    Here, Ill assume that you:

    • Need to eat 121 grams of protein daily, and
    • Are splitting that over 4 meals

    This likely means youll need to source for the following meal plans :

    Ill then come up with a combination that allows me to hit ~121 grams of protein daily:

    • Breakfast: Protein pancakes
    • Lunch: Spicy Cajun chicken quinoa
    • Mid-afternoon snack: Choc chunk & high fruit granola
    • Dinner: Cod puttanesca with spinach & spaghetti
    • Total: 120 grams of protein

    Potential Adverse Effects Of High


    High-protein diets are safe and healthy for most people.

    Contrary to popular belief, higher protein intake doesnt cause kidney problems in people with normal kidney function

    Whats more, a study found that when overweight people with diabetes and early-stage kidney disease consumed a weight loss diet consisting of 30% protein for 12 months, their kidney function didnt worsen

    On the other hand, people who already have moderate to advanced kidney disease typically need to reduce their protein intake in order to preserve remaining kidney function

    High-protein diets may also promote kidney stones in susceptible people. One study found this was mainly true for high amounts of animal protein, rather than vegetable protein

    In addition, people with liver disease or other serious health conditions should check with their doctor before beginning a high-protein diet.


    High-protein diets are safe and healthy for most people, but they may cause problems in individuals with certain diseases or health conditions.

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    What About Protein Powders

    Although our bias is that you should get most of your protein from whole foods, protein powders can still be part of a healthy, high-protein diet.

    You may not need protein powders if you prioritize the food on our list of best high-protein foods. But if you fall short of your daily targets, protein powders are an easy and convenient way to get more protein.

    Plus, protein powders are a great way to create high-protein versions of your favorite desserts, low-carb bread, or smoothies.

    If you are going to use protein powders, make sure they have few additives, such as sweeteners, maltodextrin, seed oils, or fillers.

    Animal and plant protein powders are both good options, and you can choose which works best for your taste, preferences, and carbohydrate goals.


  • Foods with the highest protein percentage are low in carbs and fat, like lean meat and seafood.
  • To increase the protein in your diet, look for easy substitutions snack on lupini beans or venison jerky, add two egg whites to your two whole eggs in the morning, or add more meat, seafood, dairy, or legumes to your meals.
  • Mix protein foods with high-fiber vegetables and dont overdo fat to create meals with a protein percentage above 35%.
  • If you struggle to meet your protein goals with whole foods, consider protein powders.
  • How To Build A Healthy High

    • Balance your macros. Keep your high-protein, low-carb meals to 35% carbohydrates, 30% fat, and 35% protein, Brooking and Harris-Pincus suggest. On a 2,000 calorie diet, this will look like 175 grams of carbohydrates, 67 grams of fat, and 175 grams of protein per day.
    • Theres no need to overload the protein. We can only use around 25 to 30 grams of protein per meal to maximize muscle growth and repair, so any extra is just extra calories, Harris-Pincus says.
    • Focus on fiber. Seek out meals that have at least half of the total carb grams from fiber, when possible, Harris-Pincus says. Focus on fiber instead of cutting carbs. If each carbohydrate-based food you eat is also high in fiber, you will be full and need to consume fewer calories overallwhich leads to weight loss.

    Now that you know the basics, we have a bunch of fun recipes. Try a mix of meals below to create a high-protein, low-carb plan that you can actually stick with.

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    How To Follow A High

    A high-protein diet is easy to follow and can be customized according to your own food preferences and health-related goals.

    For instance, you may want to follow a low-carb, high-protein diet to keep your blood sugar under control.

    If you avoid milk products, you can follow a dairy-free diet that is rich in protein.

    Even a vegetarian diet can be high in protein if it includes eggs or dairy and plenty of legumes and other plant proteins.

    Here are a few basic guidelines for following a high-protein diet:

    • Keep a food diary: Start a food diary using an app or website that provides protein values for thousands of foods and allows you to set your own calorie and macronutrient goals.
    • Calculate protein needs: To calculate your protein needs, multiply your weight in pounds by 0.60.75 grams, or your weight in kilograms by 1.21.6 grams.
    • Eat at least 2530 grams of protein at meals: Research has shown that consuming a minimum of 25 grams of protein at meals may promote weight loss, muscle maintenance and better overall health .
    • Include both animal and plant proteins in your diet: Eating a combination of both types helps make your diet more nutritious overall.
    • Choose high-quality protein sources: Focus on fresh meats, eggs, dairy and other proteins, rather than processed meats like bacon and lunch meats.
    • Consume well-balanced meals: Balance high-protein foods with vegetables, fruits and other plant foods at every meal.

    Vegan Meal Plan And Grocery List

    High Protein Vegan Meal Plan for LEAN FAT LOSS (low carb)

    Youll find most of the ingredients here at your local grocery store. However, some stores may not have ingredients such as Tempeh, so you may need to head to a healthy food store too.


    • 4 tsp Coconut Sugar or palm sugar
    • 2 tsp agave/apple bee-free honey
    • 1 tsp stevia if your protein powder is quite sweetened you wont need this


    • 13 oz kidney beans, drained and rinsed


    • 1.5 tbsp Italian seasoning blend
    • 1 tbsp garlic powder

    Also Check: High Protein Low Fat Diet

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