Best Source Of Protein For Vegetarians


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Where Do We Get Protein From

9 Best Vegetarian Protein Sources | High Protein Foods | Yatinder Singh

For those of us who follow an omnivorous diet, you can find protein in meat, fish, eggs and dairy. Therefore, if youre wondering how to get protein without meat, but youre vegetarian rather than vegan, you can get protein from eggs and dairy products.

However, there are tonnes of other sources of protein for vegetarians and vegans. Lets take a look at some of our favourites.

Protein In The Vegan Diet

by Reed Mangels, PhD, RDFrom Simply Vegan 5th Edition

Summary:It is easy for a vegan diet to meet recommendations for protein, aslong as calorie intake is adequate. Strict protein combining is notnecessary it is more important to eat a varied diet throughout theday.

SomeAmericans are obsessed with protein. Vegans are bombarded withquestions about where they get their protein. Athletes used to eatthick steaks before competition because they thought it would improvetheir performance. Protein supplements are sold at health foodstores. This concern about protein is misplaced. Although protein iscertainly an essential nutrient which plays many key roles in the wayour bodies function, we do not need huge quantities of it. Only aboutone calorie out of every 10 we take in needs to come from protein.Vegan athletes, especially in the early stages of training, may havehigher protein needs than vegans who exercise moderately or who arenot active. Vegan athletes protein needs can range from 0.36 to0.86 grams of protein per pound 2. Protein supplements are notneeded to achieve even the highest level of protein intake.

So, in theUnited States it appears that vegan diets are commonly lower inprotein than standard American diets. Remember, though, with protein,more is not necessarily better. There do not appear tobe health advantages to consuming a high protein diet. Diets that arehigh in protein may even increase the risk of osteoporosis 4 andkidney disease 5.


Meat Substitutes Are Good Sources Of Protein For Vegetarians

If youre moving from a meat-inclusive diet to a plant-based diet, you might miss cooking some of your favourite dishes that include meat. The good news is its 2021, and the supermarket shelves are full of meat substitutes, many of which are wonderful sources of protein for vegetarians.

This means that you can cook your go-to meals without having to worry about getting protein without eating meat.

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Protein In More Detail

Proteins are the building blocks of the body and an important part of our diet. A balanced diet should include a daily intake of around 0.75grams of protein for every kilo of body weight. There are many protein rich foods for vegetarians, rivalling the protein content of meat products. Popular concern that vegetarians lack protein is misplaced and plant protein has the advantage of containing reduced saturated fat associated with meat protein.

Protein Per Cup: 18 Grams

Vegan Foods List For Protein

If you’re an anti-meathead, you should warm up to lentils ASAP. One cup has the protein of three eggs, with less than one gram of fat! Their high fiber content makes them extremely satiating, and studies have shown that they speed fat loss: Spanish researchers found that people whose diets included four weekly servings of legumes lost more weight and improved their cholesterol more than people who didn’t.

Eat This! Toss ’em into a soupwe’ve got some awesome, high protein recipes you’re sure to love.

Also Check: High Protein Snacks For Muscle Gain

Best Protein Sources For Vegetarians Or Vegans

by admin·September 13, 2021

We all have learnt in school that proteins are the building blocks of our body. From providing us energy and strengthening our immune system to blood sugar regulation and weight loss, proteins form about 17% of our bodys weight. It goes without saying that a diet rich in protein is essential for the overall health of a human being. Non-meat lovers are often caught in a dilemma when it comes to choosing food rich in protein. While chicken and steak are the first food items that come to our mind when talking about protein, there is no dearth of plant-based protein either. Here we are today presenting the best protein sources for vegetarians.

What Is Seitan Made Of

To make seitan, wheat flour and water are mixed and kneaded until a sticky dough develops into strands of gluten protein. Then, the dough is rinsed to remove the starch, leaving only the mass of pure gluten protein.

That protein can then be flavored and cooked to be used as a meat substitute in a variety of plant-based dishes.


Seitan is a plant-based meat substitute made out of wheat gluten. Its made by rinsing prepared wheat dough to remove the starch, leaving a sticky mass of protein that can be flavored, cooked, and used in a number of dishes.

Seitan is easy to buy premade in most grocery stores today. Its generally found near the tofu and other plant-based meat alternatives.

However, you can also make it at home using just a few ingredients.

All you really need is vital wheat gluten, which is a dried powder usually sold in the baking section with the nontraditional flours, and a liquid, such as water or vegetable broth.

However, many recipes also call for small amounts of other ingredients such as nutritional yeast, liquid aminos, or soy sauce, as well as herbs or spices like garlic and onion powder to add more flavor to homemade seitan. Some recipes also include chickpea or soy flour.

Youll simply mix all the ingredients together to form a dough and then slice the dough into pieces and simmer them in liquid to cook them. From there, your homemade seitan is ready to use in any dish.

Below is a basic recipe you can use to make seitan at home.

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The Best Vegan Protein Sources

One way to step up your intake is to add rich protein sources to the majority of your meals. Include foods like:

One food that has surprisingly little protein is commercially-made almond milk. This beverage generally contains loads of sugar but very little protein. Soy milk is therefore a much better choice for people wanting to boost their protein intake. Soy milk contains about six times more protein than almond milk, and its also much higher in lysine.

Protein Per 7 Oz: 20 Grams

Best Vegan Sources of Protein

If you’re looking to lose weight and/or build muscle, yogurt should be a staple in your diet. A study printed in the Journal of Nutrition found that probiotics like the ones found in yogurt helped obese women lose nearly twice the weight compared to those who did not consume probiotics. Choose wisely: Skip over low-fat and fat-freethey’re skimmed of nutrients and satiating powerand flavored yogurts, which can contain almost as much sugar as a dessert.

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Protein Per Cup: 6 Grams

Tomatoes are brimming with lycopene, an antioxidant which studies show can decrease your risk of bladder, lung, prostate, skin, and stomach cancers, and reduce your chances of developing coronary artery disease. They’re also rich in fiber and contain ¾ of your RDA of potassium, which is essential for heart health and tissue repair.

Eat This! Throw ’em onto sandwiches and burgers or add them to a homemade salsa.

How Seitan May Affect Gut Health

Seitan is made from pure gluten, so some people are concerned that eating it may negatively affect your gut health.

Theres not much evidence that gluten harms gut health in folks who arent sensitive to it.

There are theories especially in natural health spaces that eating gluten may contribute to developing leaky gut, but this syndrome isnt recognized by most mainstream medical professionals.

In a healthy, properly functioning gut, intestinal permeability is tightly regulated. That means only small food particles can pass through into the bloodstream .

There is some evidence that the gut may become leaky, allowing larger particles through. This is called increased intestinal permeability, and it may be associated with a higher risk of food sensitivities, inflammation, and autoimmune diseases in some people .

However, there isnt enough evidence to support the claim that leaky gut itself is a true medical condition, and studies on glutens ability to affect intestinal permeability have produced mixed results.

While some test-tube studies suggest it can occur even among people without celiac disease or gluten sensitivity older human studies indicate that its more likely among people who have these conditions, as well as those with irritable bowel syndrome .

A registered dietitian can help you identify the possible link between your diet and any symptoms youre experiencing .

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Complete Protein For Vegans

Edamame, tempeh, tofu, chia seeds, hemp seeds, and quinoa are all considered complete proteins.

A complete protein source is one that contains all nine essential amino acids. We need each of these nine amino acids for a healthy diet hence why they’re called “essential” amino acids.

Many animal products and byproducts, like steak and eggs, are complete proteins, which is one of the main differences between many vegan and non-vegan diets.

Vegetarian High Protein Foods

Vegan Protein Sources

1. Eggs

Eggs are probably the most consumed breakfast food in the world! They are low in calories, high in protein, and high in essential minerals like calcium and iron. One large egg contains 6 g of protein and is only 70 calories.

Were happy to remind you that eggs dont raise cholesterol, so stop throwing away the yolk and just eating the whites. Most of the vitamins and minerals are hidden in the yolk, and you dont want to miss them out!

You can enjoy 1-2 eggs/day, any time of the day, depending on your diet. Check out our delicious egg recipes!

2. Dairy

Dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, and milk are packed with high-quality protein and are high in calcium, vitamins A and B12.

Cheese is widely consumed in many cultures and can fit into many recipes. However, you should be careful about portion size if youre trying to lose weight since cheese is generally high in saturated fat and calories.

Cottage cheese is a great alternative when trying to cut back on calories. It provides between 14 grams of protein and only 2.3 g of fat per ½ cup. So it makes a perfect high protein, low-fat option for your diet.

Yogurt is a great way to add protein and gut-friendly probiotics to your diet. One cup of low-fat plain yogurt contains 12.9 g of protein.

Greek yogurt is delicious to add to smoothies or substitute sour cream. It can also be mixed with fruit and oats for a healthy parfait.

3. Legumes

4. Soy products

5. Seitan

6. Nutritional yeast

7. Spirulina

8. Nuts

9. Seeds

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Best Plant Protein Sources

If youre a vegetarian but not a vegan, you might incorporate these other protein sources into your diet:

  • Eggs or egg whites: Eggs are a low-cost and nutritious source of protein. Each egg provides 6 to 8 grams. If you use egg whites, youll get fewer calories, but youll miss out on vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids and B vitamins housed in the yolk.
  • Dairy products: Milk, cheese and yogurt are excellent sources of protein and calcium. To get the most protein bang for your buck, choose cottage cheese or plain Greek yogurt. Both pack 13 grams of protein or more per serving, and you can dress them up with fruit, nuts or granola for a filling breakfast or snack.

Protein Per Cup: 4 Grams

With more than 1,400 quinoa products currently on the market, it’s safe to say that the ancient grain is here to stay. Quinoa is higher in protein than most other grains, packs a hefty dose of heart-healthy unsaturated fats and is also a great source of fiber, a nutrient that can help you feel fuller, longer. It gets better: The mild-tasting grain is also a good source of the amino acid L-arginine, which has been shown to promote muscle over fat gain in animal studies, explains Gina Consalvo, RD, LDN, Eat Well with Gina. Though we can’t be sure findings will hold true in people, it can’t hurt to add more of this healthy grain to your plate.

Eat This! Give quinoa bowls a try or pair the ancient grain with veggies beans to create a well-balanced meal, use the grain to make a veggie burger or up the flavor and nutrient content of a green salad with a scoop.

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Protein Per Oz: 6 Grams

Think of almonds as a natural weight-loss pill. A study of overweight and obese adults found that combined with a calorie-restricted diet, consuming a little more than a quarter-cup of the nuts can decrease weight more effectively than a snack of complex carbohydrates and safflower oilafter just two weeks!

Eat This! Eat your daily serving before you hit the gym. Because they’re rich in the amino acid L-arginine, almonds can help you burn more fat and carbs during workouts, according to a study printed in The Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.

Why Do We Need Protein

Best Protein Sources for Vegan Keto

Forget the protein shakes, powders and supplements, let’s get back to basics. Protein is made up of smaller units called amino acids and is essential for repairing damaged cells and building new ones. It’s essential in the building of tissues, muscles and bones, so it’s important to make sure your body has what it needs.

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Protein Per Tablespoon: 25 Grams

Though chia seeds don’t contain that much protein, they do contain all nine essential amino acids. Thanks to the seeds’ blood-sugar stabilizing ratio of satiating protein, fats and fiber, they’re the perfect hunger-busting addition to your diet, and can help you lose inches. But that’s not all: ALAs, the specific type of omega-3s found in chia seeds, can decrease the risk of heart disease, according to a Pennsylvania State University study.

Eat This! Add chia seeds to yogurt or a homemade vegan smoothie to keep your energy levels soaring all morning longor try any of these 50 chia seed recipes for weight loss!

How Much Protein Do Vegans Need

Not as much as people would have you believe. Somehow, everyone got the idea that we need exorbitant amounts of protein, way more than is even recommended. I know, its fun to blame government agencies and cry conspiracy, but if you actually look at the recommendations, theyre not that high at all.

For example, the U.S. recommended daily allowance of protein is .8 grams per kilogram of bodyweight for the general population.

Protein for vegan athletes is somewhat more complicated, as greater tissue-repair need require more protein and general, and athletes tend to pay more attention to amino acid balance.

Some successful endurance athletes get as little as 5% of their calories from protein and since a gram of protein contains about four calories, thats less than 35 grams of protein a day for a 2500-calorie-per-day diet!

At the other extreme are vegan bodybuilders and those new to the plant-based diet who are accustomed to higher amounts of protein and worried about what will happen when they stop eating meat. They aim for higher amounts of protein, often 25 to 30 percent of calories. Its hard to get this amount from whole plant-foods, so they often turn to vegan protein supplements to get the extra boost theyre looking for.

Also Check: Trader Joe’s Protein Shakes

How To Add More Protein To Your Vegetarian Diet

3 Minute Read

There are many ways to get more protein into your vegetarian diet it just takes a little planning.

Protein provides energy and helps your body function properly. Its one of three macronutrients that the human body requires. The other two macronutrients are fats and carbohydrates.

You can get protein either through meat or plants, but studies show that eating protein from plants is often healthier. A 2016 Harvard University study of more than 131,000 people showed that those who got their protein from plants had a lower risk of death from heart disease and other causes. This was especially true among people who had at least one unhealthy lifestyle factor, such as smoking, heavy drinking, being overweight or obese, or lack of exercise.

Vegan Diets May Support Weight Goals Blood Pressure Heart Health And More

Best Vegetarian Protein Sources For Weight Loss

For starters, vegans tend to have lower body mass indexes than non-vegans, which may be associated with lower chronic disease risk in some populations .

In addition, studies suggest that vegan diets are more effective at helping people lose weight than many other diets, including the Mediterranean diet .

A vegan diet has also been linked to a lower risk of cancer. Whats more, it also appears to reduce pain from arthritis and may further reduce your likelihood of experiencing age-related cognitive decline .

Plant-based diets are also linked to several other health benefits, including lower blood pressure, better-regulated blood sugar levels, and a healthier heart .

Because of this, several health organizations recommend increasing the amount of plant-based protein in our diets (21, 22,

Learn more about potential benefits of plant-based diets here.

Recommended Reading: Best Protein Bars For Weight Gain

Example: How To Calculate Vegan Protein Needs

Lets take a typical No Meat Athlete reader and see what this means for her, lets a say a 140-pound runner. Well split the daily protein range for endurance athletes in the middle and aim for .59 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight:

140 pounds * .59 grams/pound = 83 grams of protein per day

Keep in mind thats for a 140-pound endurance athlete, so youll need to plug in your own weight and, if you do a strength sport, use a different protein figure.

But really, only 83 grams?

All of this protein fuss the incessant inquisition about where we get protein is about 83 grams per day, even after adjusting for being an athlete?

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